
I try not to rely on “cleared” as I’ve seen first hand an area that was cleared still had some heavy hitters in it.

Yes and know. I like that not everything is explained, but I think there are some things that should have had the “mechanics” explained better... the actual game mechanics. There is a fine line between hand holding and just holding back UI information and they do a good job, overall but I think there are a few places

Thank you for this. I wasn’t quite sure how that perk worked so I hadn’t bought it yet. Next level, I’ll get it now that I know how to use it.

Thank you for explaining defense. I’m sure the info is “out there” but the game certainly didn’t explain that. I was wondering why my defense was great at first and then sucked later on. When in doubt I add heavy turrets. This will help me prioritize that. Water / Food is easy.

Who? I just came here because they promised butts.

I pretty much agree with each point made. The ui design is bad. Not the worst, but definitely needs improvements.

You both have points there.

Being grounded isn’t a total loss. They can use it for parts (non-structural) and/or they can use it for training either engineers and/or potential pilots. In other words the thing isn’t a total loss, it’s just going to have to be used on the ground from now on. Maybe they can do a lot of taxiing. ;)

Having been bit by a third party manufactured SSD failing in a system that saw very little use, just lots of idle / runtime, my money is on Samsung or Intel, exclusively. So far I have Samsung and Intel SSDs running in multiple systems, some with high usage and others with high idle runtime and not even a hint of a

Having been bit by a third party manufactured SSD failing in a system that saw very little use, just lots of idle /

I like the texture and flavor of the jellied variety. With that being said, I guess I could puree some cooked cranberries in the blender and add gelatin... or you know, I could just buy a can off the shelf and open it. Anyone have a spoon?

I have to give you that one. Maybe you’re starting to see why people are commenting on just how dumb the NFL is.

Of the people that are pissed at this, the 95 percent that aren’t color blind probably know and care about someone that is color blind. If I haven’t made it clear in my replies, you’re the out of touch compassionless douche nozzle that thinks commenting on how stupid the NFL was for this is somehow unacceptable and


8 percent of half of 10 million is still a lot of people affected by this and the other poster it’s right! Accounting for red green blindness in media is so common many don’t even realize it’s being done. It’s literally everywhere in design. You getting angry that people thought this was obviously stupid and obviously

It’s logical and easy to not be a complete fucktard and take into account color blindness for people watching a football game. In fact it is quite narrow minded to think that two sets of solid colors would be appropriate especially when just about everyone knows someone with color blindness and red / green being a

Maybe they could say their name was VAGViolaTor69 Because Violas are Violins cooler cousins...

Have you looked to see if NoBodyIV is taken? How about NobodyIVyou or NobodyIVu At least on XBL, you could fix this.

Every reasonable 27-something year old hates their 16 year old version of themselves.

Let me make this short and simple for you. You’re an idiot. Your nickname is ID pronounced Eye-Dee *OR* your nickname is Id pronounced ih-d (using all soft sounds). Personally I think the second one is pretty cool. Stop your whining and when people ask what to call you or the first time they stumble, just say: Call me