
I wouldn't want to use something that was new, tested for a month, just before a major event. Racecar drivers might make minor tweaks to their equipment before a big race, but they aren't making big changes like that a month beforehand unless they are forced to. A month is nothing. It leads me to believe (but I

There is a gigantic difference between a suit that was designed in a lab based on engineers understanding of variables versus a suit in the real world on real people. If the people say that the suit is hampering their form, then that needs to be studied.

"MiddleAge Mutant Ninja Turtles"

Sounds like you should have taught your kid the difference between fantasy and reality earlier on. My son still believes in Santa Clause, but I see the skepticism building slowly. It will be, soon, time to explain to him how Santa is a feeling, a way of treating people and it is something that is inside of people

For me, I just raise my arms above my head (opening up my rib cage to allow more air in) breathe in as deep as I can. Lower my arms, creating additional pressure in my ribcage. When I can't hold my breath any longer, I let out quickly and repeat the procedure quickly breathing in again. The key is to not allow a

Sage advice, Dorothy. I'm very sorry for your loss. I bet Frank would be happy to know that you lived there anyway because he poured so much of himself into that project. Even it there are things that are odd to you or a bit silly, I bet you see Frank all around you. I hope the reminders are pleasant and not

Ima sue u fer wearin' out my scrollin' finger. Now I have repetitive stress injury... you gunna pay. ;)

I've never been served two olives. I have ordered every single sandwich with olives since I started eating at Subway in the 90s. That is ridiculous.

If I can buy a pristine one for less, why not ask for a discount on something that has obviously gone through more abuse. I see no problem in asking for a discount w/ distressed packaging.

when you charge it up, it shoots high velocity high explosive corn. It goes off with a distinct boom-pop.

I'm glad you found floppies that don't die sitting on the shelf. That was not my experience. Mine all degraded even though they were stored in a dark cool dry place away from any magnetism.

I understand from your post that the creative control rests with Maxis. I'm glad you made that point.

They won't work.

They aren't $400 dumbells. MSRP is for suckers. Try $217, $220 and $300 for their closest competitors. Amazon has huge buying power. They have superb shipping deals with UPS, FedEx and USPS. They are the WalMart of online retail.

Ghost Whip the ride.

Check out Republic Wireless. They use the Sprint network + WiFi for $25+tax a month.

"If I am investigating you then that means I have probable cause." This was not clear to me from the get go. Perhaps I missed it. The other possibility is because we all read through our own filter. We have to put everything in context that we are familiar with and sometimes that context is not the same context it

I'm glad this was resolved, but damn that's a lot of bullshit considering she left the vehicle at their place and put the keys in their approved lock box. If their drop off procedure isn't secure enough, that is their fault. She did what she was supposed to do (unless it can be proven that she left the doors

I am highly sensitive but only in some areas. I have a high threshold of pain, but having 3 or 4 people holding two loud conversations puts me on edge. I hate the dissonance in my ears that is created by their voices crashing on eachother. I don't tend to withdraw, but I do prefer a more dimly lit room to a very