
You are to investigate when you have probable cause. You are not to treat all citizens as if they were guilty and lying from the get-go. You are not an investigator all the time. Going to extremes to try and establish probable cause for investigation is not ethical, either. Either you have probable cause to

Even that mind set is illegal. Presumed innocent. Period.

I wanted to say fuck you and the fuck the high horse you road in on, but I thought better of it. You might think that I still said it, but believe me it went on a LOT further than that.

I would take the TriForce and remake the world. It would be pretty much like it is now with a little less extremism.

I'm pleasantly surprised and impressed. Not just at your consideration of giving it a shot, but for not taking the bait in the little bit of 8 year old level humor I put in there. I really couldn't help myself.

Something gives, whether it be the un, the im or the very fabric of reality.

So take a chance and get a copy of the game without DRM and try it out. If you like the game, then buy it. CD Projekt seems to understand this. If you get part way through the game and find that they haven't evolved then you can continue to be a smug commentator but you'll finally be totally justified.

Gas powered jet stream. Definitely a jet.

I spent less than $70, redeemed some credit card points and took advantage of Amazon's Black Friday Deals and got GTA5, Battlefield 4, Rocksmith 2014, a Laminator and sleeves for my wife (You'd be surprised at how happy a teacher can be at having their own laminator at home), a DS game for my son (part of his

Designer probably made some nice looking boobs that moved pleasantly and their manager said: "We need more bounce / jiggle". He'd tweak it a little bit and be told the same thing. This probably happened several times to the point where the designer got pissed and hooked the boobs up to the knees and showed it to

Check out Republic Wireless. I got it for a family member and so-far-so-good.

#corrections Unlimited everything is at $25 a month for 3G and $40 a month for 4G. Don't be a G snob. ;)

Moisture in your breath is BAD for the connectors. Often times, just taking the cartridge out and putting it back in was enough. When it wasn't enough and blowing on it worked, it was because of the moisture in the breath which would temporarily "fix" the problem but it would make it much worse in the long run.

San Andreas pissed me off with a heist mission where you have to fight / escort. I could get 95% of the way through it and die... or the NPCs would get stuck and wouldn't move their stupid asses... It was always something. I absolutely hated dealing with stupid AI. I hate the idea of skipping a mission, but I

Got to or had to?

Compiled Code Obfuscation, Encryption, Copy Protection and proprietary development toolkits aren't a new thing either.

"If only it were smaller," said no gamer ever, casual or otherwise. Ever.

I bet he wishes he waited a month or two for the curved screen phone to come out instead...

That's interesting! Thanks for sharing. I never would have guessed. Maybe I'll see about importing some quality cutting boards and send those over to Amazon. :) not really, but it made me curious what kinds of opportunities might be out there along those lines.

It sounded like Gary the Cat was selling as a business and I was just curious what kinds of things he was selling at 40 to 50 at a time.