Do you mind sharing what kind of product you sell on Amazon like this or would that info somehow harm your sales? I'm just curious and like the entrepreneurship aspect of what you said.
Do you mind sharing what kind of product you sell on Amazon like this or would that info somehow harm your sales? I'm just curious and like the entrepreneurship aspect of what you said.
Awesome ending to that story. Finding someone who isn't just trying to murdalize you and going and playing a game.... epic.
So, I bought a 3DS XL with a set of games. It was a little pricey, but for the games it came with it was actually a very good deal. When I turned it on and saw that PokeMon X and Y had been bought and left installed on it, a good deal turned into an awesome deal.
I had the PSOne, the XBox, the XBox 360, the PS3... so frankly I like gaming on different platforms. I'm not "sold" on one or the other. They both have their pluses. With that being said: I'm not buying either of the next gen consoles. With the 360, I went through 5 different hardware failures before I got a…
I think it comes down to efficiency and the probability that the bra cannot completely eliminate bounce, but instead is able to convert some of the wasted (though I would argue against this expression, vehemently) energy of bouncing into compression / control.
Am I the only one that is curious what they wrote as the comment / identifier for 18?
That's a coincidence. It took me until this comment here to realize that I wasn't going to see someone entering a dominatrix. What disappointment. Oh well.
Its Dogzirra!!!!! Run Away!!!!!!
Just in case you needed a larger version:
Broken Link = Busted Chain
Just for the record. The molecular weight of Toffee, being comprised mostly of sugar and butter, is somewhere between 342 g/mol and 276 g/mol. Because: I googled the molecular density of sugar and butter. I would suspect the density to be closer to 342 than being at the halfway point because of the amount of…
Here's the thing: We can hope, pray and have faith that there is life after death but the fact is there is only one way to know. If you get it wrong, then you've used up your one chance at the ONLY life-after-death we can prove exists.
My sarcasm meter just pegged 11. It only goes up to 10. You owe me a new sarcasm meter.
Good quality chocolate ice cream in a Barq's Root Beer float, or Pepsi... heck I've even had it in Ginger Ale and it was pretty damn good.
The older original skylander's is fun to play with my 6 year old, taking turns. (Bonus: Also helps to teach him patience and taking turns.) I would not play this game on my own though and I have a pretty low: "Hey, this is fun, I'll keep playing" threshold. It is definitely fun with my kiddo though...
No, really, what'cha doin' ?
Whatcha doin' ?
Just because people are listing it for that much does not mean the statue is worth that much. Things are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. If no one is willing to pay what is being asked, then it isn't worth that.
So why not provide a range of attires for male and female alike? Let people play with the characters they like to see. For the more modest and sensible folks, they'll choose how they wish, unless of course their guilty pleasure is the fact that they like a scantily clad male or female character in a video game. …