
Would heavy water and regular water mix though or would the two densities cause them to separate? I've heard of heavy water having a higher density than water, but am completely unaware of any of its other properties.

...or I do understand and that is why what I wrote is very very silly and meant completely in jest / tongue in cheek response.

Add more water or add ice cubes that melt and then turn into water which then, in turn, makes your water even more watery.

I clicked the "Use Points" link when purchasing through xbox.com and then it let me complete the checkout for Free.

Because the tow hook wouldn't be there to help pull someone else's vehicle out of a sticky situation?

If I cannot loan a game I bought to a friend, then I will not be buying this next Xbox. Music CDs, Movie DVD or BluRays don't pull this kind of shit. I hope the XboxOne tanks if they keep this bullshit mentality.

The NFL and video games are not the same thing. Make that argument about buying/selling a Music CD, Movie DVD or BluRay, or ANY other physical media containing content you bought and paid for. They are violating the first sale doctrine with a pink rubber dildo and you don't give a damn.

Never underestimate the power of additive and subtractive interference.

Don't let a healthy dose of good will fool you. Russians, by and large, are crazy. Put it this way: We call Canada Snow Trolls, but that is because we know we could out-crazy them any day of the week. On the other hand, Russia makes Canada look tropic and shit and the fine and glorious people of Russia would

The New Mexico Senate passed a sweeping change to tax law within the state. It was literally introduced and passed within the last ~1 hour that the state senate was open this session. First they passed a vote to avoid discussing or debating the bill. Next, they voted to pass the bill. That is right. A huge

The first three sentences are completely understandable.


Well, we could all talk about what I would do with the money if it happened to me, or you could actually send the money to me and you could see exactly what I'd do with the money if it happened to me. :)

I'm not willing to accept a console that requires an internet connection to work at all. I have to travel, often for weeks on end and one my favorite things to do is take a console with me and play during the off-hours. Motels have notoriously bad internet connections and frankly if the internet connection was

Those guns weren't properly secured / locked up, open your mind.

No one has access to guns that are properly secured / locked up.

In addition to an AR being an Armalite Rifle, not an Assault Rifle, I'd like to add that the biggest benefit of the AR platform for actual owner's / enthusiasts is that it is a very well documented platform that has lots of parts readily available for it. If you buy a rifle that you can't get parts for, then when

The Patriot Act, Patriot Act Expansion, The ability of the USG Military to detain citizens completely bypassing due process... and the list goes on. There have been a number of rights that have been stripped away already. I wasn't speaking solely of the right to bear arms.

If you "get rid of guns" the only people that will follow that are the most law abiding. Moonshine was outlawed decades ago and yet there are still people making and selling it. Drugs are illegal but those are still sold freely on the streets.

Now playing

Assault Rifle is a media term. What you call an assault rifle is really just any semi automatic weapon. The handgun and shotgun you referred to are the same type of weapon. The military has Fully Automatic weaponry.