
You're still doing a great job of showing how smart you are by calling people names like "dumb ass". You know if you really believe you're educating others and giving them information then you don't have to insult them. My point was that White people get caught doing shit all the time, as my friends have and you cant

The point was that my friends didn't jump the turnstiles and the NYPD does not lie for a living. I wasn't commenting on the Barneys incident but your comments so it has nothing to do with that and yest my friends got summons and had to spend the night in the precinct. You're the one who sounds clueless in your comment

I thought it was Kate Hudson too. But does she really walk round with an entourage and is she fading?

It was confusing. I wasn't sure if he had a crush on him or what?

It cant be Cameron Diaz because he named her in the beginning and said that they'd broken up by then...

I get that too, the being grumpy because of all those people annoying you but at the same time they have all this frickin money to cheer them up and those are the people spending the money.

There is both a gender and ethnic imbalance. I'm glad she is invested in these issues. That makes me love her more.

People find it more exciting to watch things they dont do or woldnt normally do so they can live vicariously through the characters. hence superhero movies, Harry Potter and video games. So if women aren't getting into computer science because of movies then the movies aren't really to blame. Its exciting to watch

This is so not true. I've been with many white male friends in instances where they got harassed by the NYPS for loitering, open container, or beacuse they thought they had skipped the turnstile when in fact they had one of those incidents with the metrocard where it said "just used" and there was no attendant so they

There is so much racism in South America, more so than in North America. The only difference is Black or White its obvious you're from the states so everyone treats you like an American because they want those dollars. But Black locals experience more racism than over here. The singer from Choquibtown in Colombia gave

I dont see the point in everyone always bringing up the black men at night. I'm a woman of color and I'm afraid of any man at night. and i cross the street whenever i say any man standing anywhere at night.

Whenever racism comes up why do people only bring up "america" and "america society? There's is a lot of racism in Europe, Australia and South America. It is a world problem not just America's problem.