
Followed by an on-the-nose heaven/hell/purgatory.

Shadow the Hedgehog.

As are the comments!

Did you miss Season 1?

Imminent how? The Others haven't done much, and there's a big ass Wall in the way.

I disagree. The fantasy elements are mere tools to bolster the political elements. The dragons have been much more of a political weapon than anything else, and their interactions are limited and nuanced.

I enjoyed it as well, but he made his case, and it's a good one.

To be fair, The New Normal was awful.

What ruined it for me personally were those goddamned ACCENTS. I'm just glad I never have to sit through a conversation between an anvil-heavy whirly twirly Baltimore accent and a half-assed German accent ever again.

There are a few reasons people go after her:

I didn't get choked up because I saw her "die" multiple times last week. And in a much more shocking manner than that hug.

??? Bassett's accent is completely different than her Haitian Laveau accent.


I would rather not have Ryan Murphy try his hand at racial commentary ever again.

In the future, do some research before making bold claims. A quick hop over to wikipedia will show you that none of the witnesses, including the police, claim that Brown attacked the cop.

WAS she drugged? I got the impression that she was just ON drugs.

It's gotta be Zoe. Magically lit the candles when she thought she would get stabbed. Kissed Kyle back to life, drawing Misty to the morgue. Three gifts so far.