
My mom used to have this friend who was a close talker and she’d back me into things talking to her because I’d inch back to protect the integrity of my space bubble and she’d inch forward. Once this resulted in me kind of awkwardly bending backward over the couch while she leaned into my face. NO.

I don’t even like to hug my mom that much. Like I’ll do it because she’s my mom and I love her, but she likes to linger and smell my hair. No thanks.

I work in a liberal arts job for a STEM field. (I do writing for a public research institute.)

A lot of smaller, regional public universities also offer associates and professionally-tailored programs.

I rage about this argument and one of my friends posted this link to my wall and I almost got whiplash from how fast it sent me from blood boiling to guffawing.

I was coming down here to post this photo too. Thank you for your service.

Eh... I’m not sure that’s the message I’d take from this. There are a lot of people who rely on EpiPens and anaphalaxis is no joke.

That sucks. I work for a research institute and our institutional chairs recently took pay cuts so that the support staff could have raises. Kinda sad how much your quality of life can depend on the generosity of the people you work for.

I have lived alone but living with another person is nice. As long as you’re comfortable being “alone” together (you can share a space without having to be up in each other’s shit all the time) you’ll be fine. And now you have a person around to cuddle whenever you want, and who is also required to help you bring in

I got the same problem. Long thick sheddy hair. It picks it up but it wraps around the brushes something awful. You’ll be de-hairing your Roomba a lot.

It definitely works, but it’s not as low-maintenance as you might expect... it picks up fur and hair but a lot of it gets wrapped in the brushes so you have to really be diligent about cleaning them out and replacing them every so often. I really don’t mind because I think that’s a fine trade-off for having a vacuum I

Wow. I was a little disappointed when my cats didn’t take to the Roomba and ride it into internet celebrity, but I guess now I’m okay with wary coexistance.

It still picks it up, but it gets caught in the brushes easily. Every 1-2 runs I have to take the brushes out and manually remove hair from them. I’m okay with it because I hate vacuuming more than anything and would probably not vacuum enough without my Roomba, but if you were just hoping for a magical robot vacuum

My cats puke pretty solid it’s still almost kibble barfs, but Roomba can handle it. Sadly, hair seems to trouble Roomba the most. I have to give its brushes haircuts pretty often.

I got my Roomba in a desperate attempt to keep up with my two cats’ shedding. Have not suffered a pooptastrophe so far, but cat turds are pretty small and concentrated and dry up fast.

Yeah dude. I grew up on the Gulf Coast and those things are all over the place. What really sucks is their tentacles will keep stinging after they fall off, so even if you don’t see one around you can just run into one of its tentacles swirling around in the surf and get a sting. They are fun to pop though.

Yeah... I dunno if denying her children structure and encouraging them to follow their every whim and inspiration is exactly preparing them for normal adulthood where you have to show up for a job everyday and do the things that are assigned to you. I hope they have trust funds.

Haha. Yeah... I was ready to be openminded about a “normal parent” homeschooling because I know there are a lot of interesting means to do so these days, but proud natural mamas who reject “condescending” doctors, cosleep, and distrust the system to understand their special children who need to free learn without the

I grew up in Texas in the 1990s and it was popular with Republican stoners too.

I grew up on the beach, but in our house beach towels were mismatched regular towels that got old and raggety and no one cared if they got gross.