
I was an incoherent sobbing mess from the when I watched the Dylan incident yesterday afternoon to…whenever this stops. All I can say after Caputo's press conference is #taysteeforpresident.

That can open windows to worlds of imagination! I hate him for what he did to Nicky in S3, but I will never not want to top him.

And she called herself "gangsta with an A." Piper in Litchfield is like all the fresh out of college kids who move in to neighborhoods like Harlem and Humboldt Park. If they keep their shit together for six months, they think they're El Chapo.

Try growing up going to school with 1000 of her.

Oh, sweetie, she's braindead!

I automatically like any character 50% more when I see that s/he's a lefty.

That and Richard's "…And his name's fucking Big Head" were the two best lines of the episode.

Your alleged misophonia doesn't excuse your behavior. You came to a recap of a show not targeted to you specifically to, as a straight person, let everyone know that this portrayal of gay culture "grosses [you] out" and makes you "really, really uncomfortable." If it really bothered you so much, you have Google and

It makes sense that it was my high school mascot, then.

eh, it's a revolving door between wall street and the government with these empty chairs

JLD won her next Emmy with this episode.

Gross and unappealing are two very different things with different connotations. To me, gross connotes judgement, even for personal use. There's no way it can't, really. If someone says, "[X] is unappealing to me," maybe they dislike it, but all I know is that they're a "no" on that; maybe they're privately thinking

I can't say I've ever once heard that terminology applied to heterosexual women and would welcome proof. I've heard women referred to as pigs, but in the Trumpian "Rosie O'Donnell is a fat pig" way, never describing their sexualities.

It's not 1970 and you don't have to "fuck your way up and down the coasts" to have exposure to fetish or subculture anymore. If you have the access to all the information in the world and you choose to blanch at the name and premise of a company that makes products for a specific subculture that you don't belong to,

Saying something "grosses you out" and that you like to get together with other people to laugh at it implies that you think there's shame in the behavior.

I mean, if the name grosses you out, you're not really sex- or fetish-positive, you're sex-/fetish-positive for your definition of what's acceptable.

It refers to language within the gay fetish subculture (or, really, like 25% of the guys on any app). It's extremely disrespectful and borderline homophobic to whine that it "makes [you] really uncomfortable" and "grosses you out." Guess what: a gay show on a gay network does not need to make a straight person feel

"Mohel Chai Club" might be the best joke of the entire series or of television ever.

Tbh, as soon as the music started, I knew it was going to be her "Natural Woman" moment.

"somebody else" Is that Pandora shade?