Business Cat

Same shock test. Same 10,000 pound charges. The navy has defined shock grades A, B, etc. so testing requires the same explosives for the conditions.

So, 4 Sidewinders, 4 AMRAAMS and 8 AMRAAMS?

Shame the ship is allergic to salt water though.

It’s hard to say he’s won, given that the issue he’s protesting is still there, and who knows if this drives us any closer to better policing, but yeah, drawing support from other players is much better than the immediate blackballing I’d have expected from a backup QB creating a media distraction. Maybe the NFL is

I’m still right though chief..... it’s tragic.

Hilary could decapitate a toddler live in Time Square & CNN would collectively queef with joy.

Kneel for the streaker.

They might...

When I stand for the national anthem I remember those who have fought and fallen for me and those who make it possible for me, as a woman, to play sports, make a living, and allow my voice to be heard. It’s too bad that she won’t stand for the people who have died for her so she has the right to wave a rainbow flag.

The radical answer is to take it back closer to its roots, with little to no protective equipment and a requirement that tacklers wrap their tackles without shoulder charges. Take away the helmets and padding, and the players lose their sense of invincibility and will play more in control. Further, you’ll see the

What fucked up textbook have you been using?!

It’s not well known within the US, but yes, Barry may be liked, but not really respected & certainly not feared.

Honestly, it’s well known that many officials from foreign lands have little to no respect for Obama.

Go for it chief.

This is all that popped into my head.

I’m sure it’s said a lot, but get rid of helmets.

We can both celebrate these individual women and pity them for being part of a retrograde, patriarchal, shitty culture.

It saddens me when I see women covered up because they have been brainwashed into some false sense of modesty because of an ancient patriarchal religious fairy tale.

Apparently the knee couldn't handle all the weight from teddys little friend