
Snarking on someone's choice of fashion is fair game (whether that be an outfit, makeup, shoes, etc.) but snarking on someone's body is not ok here. There is a difference.

Pretty sure they're commenting on her dress, not her appearance in said dress.

Um, the title has the word NAKED in it. That should be a good indicator!

Good luck with all of that. Check back in when he's 18. You are setting him and urself up for some rather large obstacles.

Agree completely.

And you just know your dad will do that noisy old man throat-clearing thing at the critical moment.

"They made fun of my hat! They called it MACARONI!"

At this very moment, there are guarded doorman buildings on Manhattan Island FULL of white people. Whose ancestors were born across an ocean!

You're right, I felt attacked by the use of the word "better." You could have used "healthier," there are plenty of other things you could have said that didn't put a value judgement on people who smoke vs people who don't.

You said "I've told him I don't approve of either of those things as I think he's so much better than that..." i.e. that people who smoke are beneath him and, presumably, you. It is that statement alone that I take issue with.

You and your family are sanctimonious and overwrought. I'm sure smokers have about as much respect for your neuroses as you do for their habit.

It reminds me of Barbara Ehrenreich's response to a breast cancer diagnosis. She was given crayons and paper to "draw out" her emotions from her diagnosis. Mind, you she was in her 50s. To paraphrase, she was like WTF??!??! I think she said something like, "What do men get after a cancer diagnosis? Action figures

How petty it is really depends on how egregious the situation becomes. There was a fabulous article here on Jez about this "other second shift" that single and/or childfree women take on to cover for those with children. I do resent taking on extra hours of work or finishing experiments for those who need to get

On dogs: "If you get a dog from a breeder instead of a shelter you are a monster, because those dogs deserve to be saved!"

I'm glad that you've never been pressured or outright harassed or had people question your feminity & sexuality. But that has not been the case for many of us.

Well, that's why we have the distinction between childfree and childless. It sounds like you're childless, not childfree - so, not who the article is talking about.

Hey Jack, I got a pro-tip for you: when your songs are incredibly simple don't be surprised to hear other songs that sound like them. I know you think you thought of that I - IV - V - I progression, but you didn't buddy. It's been around. For a couple hundred years.