
I don't think Anthony Castro is trying to make their tragedy his own. It was he who was interviewed and he is also a victim of Ariel Castro. He can change his name, of course. But that takes time and money and he is clearly using another form of his name already. It just doesn't make sense to be down on this guy. He

I absolutely HAVE to use a setting spray and sweat proof primer when I'm on stage (crappy pub band that plays hot sticky venues). I've used hairspray at a pinch, but it's awful on my skin.

Ben Nye primer is one of the best I've used, but typically I use Milk Of Magnesia. You. Will. Not. Sweat. It's not for everyday,

Or perhaps make a movie where you don't work with Tim Burton and/or Helena Bohnam Carter.

Yeah. When he picks a good script and puts some effort into it, he's a good actor. He's fallen into this rut of gimmicky roles, which he needs to get out of. Lay off the costuming and return to your craft, son.

It's sad because it seems like he's one of many actors/writers/directors that at some point they hit a plateau and they're no longer good anymore and everything they do is generic and lifeless.

Related: rabies shots aren't that bad!


Ooh, Lisa Weiss. I feel like that's one of those things I'd say trying to be that devil-may-care woman who says shocking things, only to be met with crickets. And then I'd have to have the "Things We Think vs. Things We Say" talk with myself for the millionth time.

Yes, women's rights are indeed as important as civil rights. The "ability" as you phrased, to have an abortion is just one aspect of an entire movement you know.
And just because they didn't all have to drink out of a different fountain doesn't mean women didn't know what it's like to be spat on or lynched and do I

I don't think this is necessarily about abortion. It's an ad for women's health. Some people are anti-vaccine, but I don't think it would be reasonable to pull an ad for comprehensive physical just because they might give someone the option of being immunized. There are too many other important things they do. The

I met this man at the 2012 London Olympics!

Counterpoint: Taran Killam, Cecily Strong, and Kate McKinnon. Easily the three strongest players left in the cast now that Hader and Sudeikis are gone. Oh, and Bobby Moynihan, duh, love him.

It's sad to think that in 25 years, the future head of state of sixteen kingdoms will pop his collar.

The old lady has no idea who Amanda Bynes is. She's doing the same thing that a lot of old ladies do. Teach responsibility. Amanda needs to come work off her debt by, like, spending time with the old lady. And cleaning the house. Weeding the yard. Amanda will hate it at first (because the old lady is so ugly). But

It's hard to keep up with her. She could be living in a driveway for all we know. It's just a normal Tuesday for her.

Anti-depressants accomplish exactly the opposite of what you're describing. I've been suicidal since I was SEVEN. My anti-depressants help me feel feelings; suppress the previously uncontrollable and intrusive thoughts that tell me I'm worthless , stupid, and hated; participate fully in life; and have rational and

Pretty much anyone who threatens suicide will be put on 5150 holds if the police/emergency services are involved. It's not "common" in that the person has to be a danger to herself or others but non-celebrities are put on this hold fairly often because of the aforementioned suicidal ideation. I don't think child stars

It's very difficult to obtain permission to hold someone on a 5150 in California, but it does happen with regular folks. It happens quite a bit with attempted suicides.

Coming in September, on Bravo: THE REAL TOOTH FAIRIES OF MIAMI.