
It's an issue of scale. The Brits have a finer tuned phrase-o-mometer than Americans. Slight fluctuations in the phrase-o-mometer can have worlds of meaning. In the US, our phrase-o-mometer can't detect such subtle variations, but it does capture a greater range than the Brits. That's why when you use an American

Sometimes bless your heart means "Wow, I haven't seen someone this delusional since I last read Kotaku comments."

People think the more proper British accent is charming. I suspect the average person would be as annoyed by a chav accent as a redneck accent.

For me, the shoes are iconic because they are a juxtaposition (to the environment of the senate and the formal wear she and everyone else in politics has to wear) as well as a symbol of hard work and exertion (she needed to wear them to stand for that long because they helped cushion her feet and helped alleviate her

I already live here, but I'm currently considering producing about 10 children to support her run for president in 18 years.

He's D.B. Cooper!

Begone, before someone drops a filibuster on YOU, too!

I find this bizarre; because of placement it sounds as if you're going to make casserole out of the cat.

...she had the qualifications to get into the school and she was denied, but people who had the same or lesser qualifications got in because their race earned them extra points.

Check your facts again; she did not meet the qualifications to get in at the time. Also she had the chance to transfer after a year or two if her grades were good but she decided not to pursue that route.

In a straightforward world, she was absolutely "discriminated against" - she had the qualifications to get into the school and she was denied, but people who had the same or lesser qualifications got in because their race earned them extra points.

This is really all I have to say.

1) I sort of love Victoria Beckham. She seems like a lady who has a good head on her shoulders. I've read interviews with her where she's like 'I just don't smile that much. I'm a happy person. Whatevs.', and then she just kind of goes about her life raising her kids and being in a solid marriage and having a

What do we residents of Lil Rhody think of T. Swift?

Speak for yourself!

1.) Right, everyone who gets the death penalty is guilty. Keep thinking that.

"He's been praying about it"

I think it's only ok ("ok") because it's more covert racism than what Deen's done. On the most obvious level, it's about romanticizing the architecture and the sweet tea and the manners and the clothing and the wonderful lifestyle, which seems like harmless nostalgia. You have to got a level deeper to get that that

You know, this is interesting to me. Do people have to always be overtly racist to white folk for white folk to say "okay, we feel this is legitimately offensive"?