
I fast fairly regularly for religious reasons, and I still agree. I'm not against fasting obviously, but I know so many people who fast or "cleanse" in order to improve their bodies, and it always struck me as really close to an eating disorder (if not one already). They always talk about the appearance benefits of it

THANKS OBAMA! No, sincerely, thanks, PRESIDENT* Obama. I may have found some of the things you've done or said (or really, not done or not said) problematic, or maybe a bit disenheartening, but this?

My 24 year old daughter said it best...

this article was somewhat undermined by how delicious that juice looks.

I have to admit, I've been getting disillusioned with Obama over the past year. Not enough to not vote for him in the last election, because the alternative made my uterus shrivel up, but still.

Fetuses aren't people.

Dear Mr. President,

This guy is the worst pro-life troll on this site. Any minute now he'll be comparing abortion to slavery.

I realize it's Friday and happy hour's looming, but try trolling a little harder. That was really weak.

Cuz no other organization is willing to do them for poor people on a non-profit basis. PP is not just for abortions, they take care of many aspects of reproductive and woman's health.

Horrible. Just horrible.

This is so fucking perfect!

100% FTW

Holy shit I just laughed SO HARD. Needed that, thanks :)

Oh my God, I was just eating some really messy Vietnamese soup and I ALMOST DIED. You are awesome.

I was going to comment that if I was Selena I would be insulted, but you said it way better than I ever could.

you win the internets!
