Bush's pitch was a ball

My real problem is basically that the “don’t crap on people’s nice memories” stance essentially doesn’t leave room for complexity, and we have too little room for complexity when we’re talking about difficult things. Some of the people here are saying things like “I hated his policies but he was comforting at that

I was exerting some restraint, and didn’t see the point in repeating things others wrote. 9/11 was a horrible traumatic event, and I and everyone I know was dumbfounded that week. And I’ll acknowledge that I wasn’t on the East Coast (I was in the process of moving from San Francisco to Chicago) so I’m not trying to

What goddamned leadership? The leadership where his administration was passing around memos detailing how they wanted to use 9/11 to lead America to war in Iraq regardless of Iraq’s involvement in motherfucking November of 2001? The bodies weren’t even cold before they were manipulating you and you want to call it