Bush Did 9/11

That acutely millenial interpretation of Just A Friend is fucking cringeworthy. Holy shit

No, when they first meet Dark Coop he says, "It's yrev very good to see you again, my friend."

Saliva is top notch, I think RJD2 did the beat

glenn is a dead man

dumb shit for tumblr teens, the article

Where'd The Motherfuckin' Cheese Go At?

Username is purely tongue in cheek of course ;)

Ayn Rand was vile and Objectivism is garbage. Rethink your life

You're absolutely right. My screenname lampooning conspiracy theorists makes me a 'nut'. Your white knighting of Adam Carolla makes you a 'bigot'. Glad we cleared this up

Adam Carolla is a dumb shithead and libertarians are all stupid. Have a great day! PS MtGox lol

man i don't care what anyone says, this is effin hilarious