
If you’d been cleaning your gun and it blew your head off, would you “deserve” to have your brains splattered all over the wall? How about if you ignored a giant “Bridge Out” sign and drove into a river and drowned? Did you “deserve” to drown? If you survived but was a quadriplegic, would you “deserve” to live the

Obviously the guy wants to drown. They should just let him.

But I guess everyone wants to live by their own rules.

Buddy of mine is in line, $1K burning a hole in his pocket. He’s been waiting for this moment for years: a Tesla to replace his 3-series. Because apparently driving a 335i is Just Awful, and the 5-series is Even Worse because it has a fat ass and even though the Model S doesn’t, it’s just Too Damn Big.

Now playing

I’ll see your bonus track and raise with arguably the only good thing about The World is Not Enough (never liked Brosnan as Bond, but that’s prolly just me...)

Listening to Not Your Kind of People while driving with gf.

You should have done a leak test before, as well as after. That way any existing leaks would have been identified and you wouldn’t be thinking they were a result of taking things apart.

We won’t hold that against them

Commonly referred to as a “jeep”

What occurred to me more than anything about the BvS Batmobile from the only clear-ish view I got of it—and that was from above—was how much it looked like a cockroach.

I kinda thought he was aimed a little too much at the bystanders when he accelerated. Waiting for that fat ass and those washer tub-wheels to break loose and take a few of them out.

I prefer “77"; you get 8 more...

Well, that’s great. but “incredibly affordable” is subjective, yeah? Or at least dependent on one or two other minor variables. A $3,000+/mo mortgage payment when one makes a quarter of a mil is “incredibly affordable.” But at say $75K/yr gross, $3K for for rent/mortgage is anything but “incredibly affordable.”

You’re right about SXSW (at least the interactive—I’m in tech, also), gotta give ya that. Not sure why it has to be so damned expensive. But whatever.

Rent in Austin is already “crack pipe to infinity.” Sure, I could probably rent a house in Hutto or Buda for the $1250 I pay for my 800 sq ft box (which, btw, is in the 2-mile ETJ so people who live there are affected by Austin city council but get no vote), but whodafuq wants to live in Hutto or Buda? Never mind

It’s a pity those flames are just painted on.

Was it “deadly” because if you wore green around a bunch of superstitious hicks, you’d get murderdeathkilled?

It’s not that ambiguous, though a couple of commas and some proper editing would have reduced the chance of confusion. That’s some crap writing.

