
The video actually says that the ATM was not working hence the reason why he was not able to take out any cash

For whoever wants ethernet (have never tried myself but seems like a very good option) [www.google.com]+usb+adapter&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12551793916678370799&sa=X&ei=LCSxT7zNIevk6QG7u4iRCQ&ved=0CMsBEPMCMAE

I got a lobotomy after this video so stop the pain

It's called QNX not QXN. It's PlayBook not Playbook. check your spelling.

@ Matt Honan: You should spell check before you post an article. Its BlackBerry and PlayBook. Small errors but it drives me nuts when names don't get written properly

Actually the Bold 9900 is scheduled to release in the next 10 days. How could Gizmodo mess that part up?

Crackle already has an android app. you need to update your info

and then google wonders why the government uses office instead of google doc

Could i just go through the pat down like this?

Is it legal to go to the airport in speedos?

@sid9221: Can't tell if you are trying to be funny or not..but anyways he did not pretend to be a teenage pop star. His real is Justin Bieber

@Hearthatvoiceagain: Well RIM has about 35% marketshare compared to Apple's 28% and Android 9%. This data comes from Nielsen. Before you try to sound clever get your facts right