
I do this regularly as part of my job and 15yrs of IT experience. You can download the offline major package updates like the 20H2 update and run it but if your system is cluttered and behind on updates, manh have to be run to get it to a good state. Then run a cleanup then ruh n the offline package. The closer your

I have a motorcycle with an inner tube. So none of these worked to patch innertube inside. I did use green slime and CO2 inflater to limp the 2 miles to the gas station where it oozed out. After roadside assist home, i used the internal patch with stem and vulcanizing paste. Patched it like new and rides fine now. Had

I would love to bump into her while on a motorcycle ride through a small town or something here in TX. But i would never share what town because who wants gawky fans and nosey media posters pestering them? The Shining was a memorable movie and she played a terrified actress very well. Of course now a days things are

I wanted to get a metal front brush guard made with light mounts and fender flares on my 2012 veloster but sadly im too poor and cant afford it. I think the concept looks cool but honestly with a small 4 cyclinder engine even with a turbo would struggle with the weight. It would have to be redesigned entirely is my

A conversation that needs to be had is one about how pedestrians and bike riders often jog, walk or ride without a care in the world. I drive, I ride a bike and a motorcycle. I had a kid on a bike run right into the side of my work truck because they just rode straight through an intersection under a highway without a

Arguing politics is like arguing religion. An idea held by someone firm in their belief cant be persuaded to think otherwise no matter how unreasonable they seem or reasonable your argument against it may be. Because at their core they believe they are right “just because” and there is no reasoning with an

In today’s climate, we have people who jump on a band wagon and target people because its convenient. It helps them. I have been sexually harrassed by women and men especially in my teens. But i put a stop to it and i spoke up which can be hard as a young man. Its hard for anyone. But i never wanted a public display

I was oncall for my IT job i. the east Texas oil fields and i went 36 hours no sleep. I counted them up after and couldnt believe it. I went through several stages one of which at about hour 26 is I got a hit of adrenalin. I was finely told to go home and take the next day off. Home was 2 hours away. I jammed out to

I, like many, grew up with Star Wars and I loved it. I despised the prequels which to me was an attempt to sell to Disney which, look what happened, and to sell stupid action figures to little kids. It was a money grab and destroyed Star Wars.

You could get a round master lock with the turn dial and lock your key rings to it then you can use the lock in your palm with the ring part around your middle finger. This makes a sort of makeshift brass knuckle.

The key move is not a good fallback plan. Having situational awareness and being prepared is better. But if you are walking down a dark alley at night by yourself and someone attacks you and gets in close, a throat jab is a good bet. If they come from the front and grab your arms you could head but their nose and they

Well my little Hyundai Veloster none turbo with MT can hit 130mph (eventually) and gets way better gas mileage. Take that Helcat! I don’t have to be faster or have more horsepower, I just have to outlast you. lol :D

I think it also varies greatly under what conditions your body is under. Obviously if your on fire its going to be a painful trip. Drowning will still be terrible till you finely succumb and suck in the water, then maybe it begins to go the way they describe. I’m willing to bet if your dyeing of exposure and say

Well if he didnt need an assistant then he didnt need one and maybe if he had instead of giving her all that time off, ill bet unpaid, he could have found another position and offered it. But, needing a stable income and being told to take three weeks off and probably unpaid my guess is she figured he was already

That’s awesome. You can see the Tesla get a weeee bit of tire spin and fish tail at the beginning before it gets the grip down. Take off and landing for that plane must take nerves of steel because its design leaves little room for f**k ups.

With visual and emotional skill I suspect. It takes a certain level of it to get people to hate or be disgusted by it and yet still watch it through. If they were just against it they would leave and not watch. Yet they did so and only after watching it then did they complain. As if ashamed of themselves for watching

Well if you did your summer reading in high school then you should know what your going into. People hear “Play” and think that its a pleasant display of color and cry me a river emotional scenes of love and loss. However 1984 may have some of those things, its on an entirely different level of the psyche. Your

I have had mine the same since XBOX avatar day one. I pulled it off and made it part of my work signature and pic for all my messenger apps etc. Would be cool to do more with them, even have a mini game or way to integrate your consoles motion sensor to you and show your avatar moving around while you actually move

I have personally worked on some police body cams and they have buttons on the camera and a remote that clips to their shirt so they can snap pics while recording, turn it off or mute the audio. Probably for when they go to the restroom or what have you. However it makes it super easy to edit in real time what is

Sounds like this person for being in their position, knows nothing about how they can be tracked or of the printers imbedded code. You cant scan any US currency and print it because of this. Would have made more sense to go to another users computer when they are not looking and burn the files to a mini CD. Of course