
Ummm. Because this particular “article” was about a bad tattoo. And one guys reaction to having a bad tattoo. If you need constant reassurance that nobody has forgotten other things in Afflecks life, I will give it to you. Nobody has forgotten any of the things you are worried about. Promise.

Ummm. Because this particular “article” was about a bad tattoo. And one guys reaction to having a bad tattoo. If you need constant reassurance that nobody has forgotten other things in Afflecks life, I will give it to you. Nobody has forgotten any of the things you are worried about. Promise.

I think the problem with this review is, this idiotic, narcissistic need to make nerd culture as relevant and legitimate as things like race or sexual orientation. So anytime anyone says or does anything that treats this nerd culture with anything less than the reverence someone like the author of this piece thinks it

Then quit supporting corporatist, war hawk Democrats. Populism works for both left and right candidates. Find some willing to fight for issues like health care, reducing our military involvement throughout the world and yes, an unthrottled internet, and vote them in.

I thought the review was very positive. Clarkson seemed to genuinely like the car, despite him not liking either Tesla or especially mid sized SUVs.

Because it looks cooler to have an inferior working Terminator style hand over what makes sense. Just another example of style over brains in this film.

I disliked the movie, but it has nothing to do with Rey or feminism. I disliked it because in it’s rush to deconstruct Star Wars they have made two movies about miserable failures, and completely invalidated the heroics from the original trilogy. I thought Daisy Ridley was the best part of this mess, and literally the

The difference is. If you don’t want to pay 1000 dollars for a Note 8, you can buy quality Android phones from 150 dollars up, that do everything that 99% of phone users do with their devices. You can get an iPhone SE for 350 dollars, but it has a 4 inch screen. The cheapest “new” Apple phone with a 5 inch or larger

Wait a minute. Yeah dinosaurs were here before us, but THESE dinosaurs were definitely not here before us. The only reason to save them is they cost money. They can remake any of these dinosaurs at any time. What a shock, the entire premise is mind numbingly stupid.

How about this then. Earlier in MOS, Supermans mom is threatened by Zod and his minions. At this point Superman is the only Kryptonian who can fly, and as soon as the fight begins he flies his opponents directly into the middle of Smallville where the entire town is destroyed. There are hundreds of miles of open land

Here is what you people don’t get. A show like Rick and Morty doesn’t have to “go somewhere”. It doesn’t have to make their characters grow, and change and improve as people. Critics need to realize that this is not a linear narrative. Having this desire for a typical movie style plotting for a series as surreal and

The room thing is bull crap. The LG30 that the Pixel2XL is based on has a headphone jack. All the Samsung phones have headphone jacks and they are thinner, lighter and have superior displays to the iPhone 7. If you check out recent reports, you will notice Google will be offering their own version of overpriced,

I enjoyed this week’s episode more than any in the last month, but it was just an average Who. (Which shows how little I enjoyed the Monks or the Mars thing). I agree that all this Missy stuff has taken away from the episodes leading up to the finale. Well next week, its finally the end....or at least the first half

What do you use for headphones? You get some dongles to do those workarounds, or were you forced to purchase overpriced Bluetooth headphones that you have to recharge every couple hours, that don’t sound as good as wired phones, and drop their signal if you move your head the wrong way? Yeah that certainly is simpler

I thought the last two episodes of GT were the best, most natural of the series. No “American” in the final show was great. These last two shows felt like average Top Gear episodes from a decade ago.

The best parts about the old Top Gear was when they did (ironically) Grand Tours. Races through Europe, drives through Africa, riding motorcycles in Vietnam. The first two shows have had none of that. The tent is pointless....the big windows showing similar tan, bland scenes. Quit with the scripted crap......just get

Does anyone have any idea how well Allo works, if the people receiving/sending you messages are not using it? I am using Messenger now, and it’s a little balky in getting and receiving SMS from iPhones. Thanks

The reason it sucked, is because it was filled with characters with no common sense, villains who acted with no motivation, and idiotic premises all around. In other words a movie made by and for really simple, stupid people. It was the dumbest big budget movie ever made. And yes, if you can’t see how dumb this film

Here’s an idea. Why not use some creativity and instead of taking heroes and making multiple versions, why not make the effort to create new characters? Kirby and Ditto and Lee made up all these heroes in a few issues of various comics, and now all we get is. “Cyclops is going to be a paraplegic Inuit, while Dr.

Some guy named “Doug” is trying to decide what’s cool? That’s pretty funny.