
Because Ron F*^%ing SWANSON.

@lpranal: So... how would one go about lucid dreaming? Cause I really wanna learn how to do it.

As long as people don't do this while on the phone, I'm fine with it.

@Agrippa: Excellent. Thank you sir, for your contribution to the internet.

Screw it.

I'm waiting for that ONE day, which will happen, where every single major tech player ( Microsoft, Sony, Samsung, LG, etc...) pulls together for a joint venture and just destroys Apple at their own game. Apple (or rather, Steve Jobs) is getting way too cocky/arrogant for their own good.

@venc: I've had more dropped calls with Verizon service than I ever did with AT&T.

@MacAttack: I swear, I wish I could promote you.