Agreed. I don’t know anyone that worries about collecting rainwater, certainly not outside the larger cities. I wish I had a badge though that says “rainwater collection police”
In Colorado it is a state law that you can’t collect rainwater. In fact the state Senate just failed to change the law. Rain that falls from the sky belongs to the state. How stupid can you get?
Simple and probably a lot cheaper than buying boxes of mix as I probably have all of the ingredients in our kitchen. Just another way to save a few bucks. Thanks.
I tried this last night and I ended up with three perfectly hard boiled eggs. Bravo!
“Jalapeños sitting in their own juice for extended periods of time.”
How about the bring the “bring the water to a boil, cover, remove from heat and leave for xx amount of time” (I usually go for 15 minutes)? Is that still a valid method? I think I got it from one of Alton Brown’s shows. Also for your method, is 10 minutes enough at altitude (I’m at 7000 feet in Colorado) or should it…
Just play an old Earl Weaver tape. He was the master of cussing.
Everybody that lives or works in the area knows about overzealous towing in Arlington. Simple answer is read the parking signs and that way you don’t get towed. McHenry is just a dumb no-talent talking head.
Rizzoli and Isles of course!
One more vote for the paperwhite. It does what is supposed to do (be an ereader) at a reasonable price. Mine goes everywhere with me and the battery charge seems to last me for weeks.
I think the BBC will continue to do just fine without Clarkson and co. especially as its money comes from license fees that every household in the UK has to pay. Top Gear is just one the five major "super shows" that are sold or licensed overseas.
From my experience, together with his military ID card (first and likely only form of ID needed) any state government issued photo ID would suffice as a 2nd ID, which would mean drivers license. I have never offered a passport as method of identification.
Passport? Is he really likely to be put on a plane with no time to go back home to get his travel bag?
'Good enough' may be just good enough, but if that's all you practice and strive for, what about that one time in a thousand when you need to be perfect and you don't know how to get there? What might the consequences of not being perfect be then?
Any word on the total weight of the bag with all that stuff in it?
I just searched on Google Store for Panic Alarm. Have fun.
I have the perfect response to the scammers now. I downloaded a 'panic alarm' app to my phone which blasts out a piercing tone at some ridiculous decibel level. I get the scammer talking, put my phone next to the handset of the landline phone (I have to have a landline as my cell signal at home is shit) and blast…
We need to find out what these people do Every Day with the stuff in their everyday carry. I suspect this everyday carry lies in the bottom of a backpack and never gets unzipped from one end of the year to the next. Oh and good luck getting on a plane with this little pack.
BBC iPlayer - apparently this does not work with US purchased ChromeCasts, even with a good VPN service. I have been told this is because the US DNS (or something, sorry not too tech-savvy) is hard coded in it. Whenever I try to cast the BBC I get an error message. FWIW I do have more success with an app called…