Burt Valawzio

lol - as much as I would LOVE bowie to be on the show - its not going to happen - he has basically been out of the public eye (visually) since 06- he didn't even tour to support his new album last year-

yeah, hannibal killed a person (maybe two) with a horse, a tree, and a rope. almost exactly like will's dream in this ep.

no doubt, but that doesn't mean reusing imagery from it wasn't a nice touch.

I love the nod to Hannibal Rising in the beginning of this episode - it was so obvious that it didn't need discussed in the interview. That being said Hannibal Rising isn't very good. There are moments when it is decent and then they cut to a close up of Gaspard Ulliel during a kill and it just gets bizarre, it's like

he is back for another episode - so says TV guide when he was cast.