Burtrum Cole

Seems like the proliferation of fascists realities prb has something to do with Evil Morty and the Ricklantis Mixup.

“a shell of its former self...” Who hurt you Kyle?

i will say one nice thing about rubio – at least he showed up. the list of florida politicians who didn’t is long.

very difficult to compare 90's tv to today. the acting has gotten so much better. that being said, tng was ahead of the game hiring Stewart. now every show is looking for those classically trained british actors to breath some life into wooden sci fi/fantasy dialog.

not really, although it would have been AMAZING to see her do that highly ridiculous ghost-in-the-candle episode.

well they HAVE to kill the spores network right? cause otherwise why hasn’t the federation been using this into the 24th century?

Except from History of the Empire of Merica (c 2407) “...We all know the quote “Me too, get your damn hands off of her.” But who was Sasha Fierce, and did she really kneel after defeating the legendary Demigorgon, Aziz? Sadly, due to Mericans unshakable trust in cloud-based computing, we only have the fragments of

Can i just say, I ALWAYS thought John Wilkes Booth’s plays were kind of shitty. I just knew there was something assassin-y about that guy. And can I just finally tell you, I NEVER liked the movies of Harvey Weinstein? All of them, there’s just like, this vibe where you KNEW he was going to be outed as a serial rapist?

get. a. grip. there’s NO comparing a consensual affair and abuse of a 12 year old. so cut it the fuck out. and i’m freaking liberal as all hell so i feel completely fine saying, in response to your ham fisted opinion about republicans, – BILL CLINTON. Bill’s actions with a 20 year old intern is, on the sliding-scale

is there something new about letterman? as i remember it, he had affairs with some staffers, one of whom tried to blackmail him. not great behavior, but i don’t think anyone accused him of sexual assault. i think he was just having affairs.

I think it’s completely fair, and sane, to ask celebs to hold some other office before president. government isn’t a brand to manage, it’s not a media empire. and if we just let the presidency be a revolving door for personal brands, then we’re guaranteeing Ivanka and the Kardashians will at least try. if oprah could

agreed. if you want to go from celeb to president, PLEASE run for a smaller office first. be a governor, senator, whatever, but going to the highest office is never going to work well.

um...did anyone else find fred’s reaction to the revelation that his grandfather was basically a nazi a little...weird? we’re not to blame for our grandparents, and yeah, being a famous artist, that’s really interesting no doubt. But...this guy entertained nazi troops and spied for the axis in europe. Fred’s reaction

from the trailers, it doesn’t look like they are having the adult characters. seems like a huge plot point to skip. the whole thing in the book is that the kids story is unveiled at the same time as the adult story.