Burt Reynolds' Big Hat

How American of you.

as mentioned in an above comment, it’s all relative to what your interests/hobbies are. Plenty of non car enthusiasts likely think there’s no reason for someone to have any car other than a base toyota camry because anything else for getting from point A to point B is excessive and pointless. Particularly when you’re

Considering how an insurance company’s whole schtick is to be knowledgeable about vehicles’ values so they don’t shaft themselves, you are completely wrong.

As a Dodge fanatic, you’d think I’d be performing cartwheels over this pickup and you’d be wrong, wrong, wrong.

It’s like someone ordered a limited appeal diesel model BMW, checked the box for the auto to eliminate interest from enthusiasts, and saddled it with about the least attractive paint and interior combo possible. Then, over the course of ownership took every opportunity to mod it with aftermarket parts to make it less

There is no such deadline. 

Thought you dipshits didn’t want to benefit China?

It effectively does, though. It’s making the cars less affordable. 

Today’s Republican party has lost the ability to plan ahead to make the country stronger positioned against the rest of the world.

Holy shit. Been a Looooonng time since one of the Trumpers made it to this site. 

I love that you’re so stupid you’re literally out here advocating that the powers that be increase the prices of vehicles just because the TV told you they’re bad. 

Do you think Joe Biden invented the electric car?

FUN FACT: “Everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape” came in a close second when Trump was choosing campaign slogans, but EKWGOITCWF&CT&R didn’t look good on a hat.

“I served 31 years, I was an Army doctor, I trained as a Navy flight surgeon, I served with the 7th Special Forces Group, I served with the 160th. I served six tours.”

Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.

“Sean Hollonbeck forced the driver out of the car and onto the ground and has since been charged with false imprisonment and aggravated assault with a weapon”

He says he’s a doctor but I don’t see any markings, white coat or stethoscope so I think it’s only fair for someone to pull a gun on him, force him to the ground, make him show his medical board credentials and his med school degree for good measure because everyone knows what’s going on in the US with people

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

“And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””

Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.