NP all day. I unfortunately had to get rid of my AP2 recently - Laguna Blue Pearl, 55k miles. Sold in a few hours for $35k.
NP all day. I unfortunately had to get rid of my AP2 recently - Laguna Blue Pearl, 55k miles. Sold in a few hours for $35k.
BaT takes a lot of work to post.
That’s because there’s safety in numbers and while the Infiniti’s styling may be fairly innocuous, it’s likely to still draw crowds wherever it goes since everyone is going to want to know, “isn’t that the car they were arguing about in the movie Three Kings?”
Here’s a test, you donkey brain. Turn off your ad blocker, click through the slides, and let me know if you get a different ad load on each page. Not to mention the artificial page view numbers.
Agreed. Half the old team is already over at The Drive now though.
I’m beating a dead horse here but this whole screenshot-comment slideshow-for-clicks format is pathetic.
What kind of analogy is that?
The Hindenburg report said they’re faking orders and are years away from production. Not that they’re faking (dinner) orders and are years away from production (of flying cars); or whatever weird comparison you were implying.
Coincidentally the same neighbor rotates between his Aventador, Urus, GT3, and 570S on the street - I assume he only has two parking spots. But yes, G-Wagons here are like Camrys elsewhere in the country.
Especially in this area of Williamsburg, every other car is a luxury SUV. My neighbor regularly street parks his Urus.
No. What a fucking miserable format too - not only a slideshow but one with screenshots of comments instead of, I dunno, links back to the actual comments?
It took me a while to find one in either Laguna or Apex blue, and low mileage. Definitely my favorite color on an S2000 though. It was absolutely worth the wait!
Reluctant CP, the price is a couple thousand too high for the mileage and color. $16k and it would be a NP, although S2k prices really depend on where in the country you’re located.
I bought mine a couple months ago - $20k for a 2006 with 44k miles and Laguna Blue Pearl. Completely stock, accident free, new top.
Loved this movie when it came out and watched a DVD copy several times over the years, but I purchased the Blu-ray recently and it blew me away again. The visuals are overwhelming but absolutely gorgeous on a nice screen, there were so many details I just never noticed before.
Yes. The Demon is available with two narrow front-runner wheels specifically for drag racing.
Not Kuhl.
Bullshit. Fight me.
I had to finally cancel my Digit account a few weeks ago, after using it since the launch. No matter how many times I told it to slow down, it was pulling more than $1k from me every month.