Burt Lo

Totally off topic, but what's with this URL that leads to this story?!?

Can he turn his head?

Ah, here are instructions (from clicking the "?" to the right of the Download link):

I used ES File Explorer to see the path that Eric described. I had to use the "Settings > Advanced > Export Theme" function to create an "Exported" folder.

After all that, though, and putting both a zipped and unzipped copy of the downloaded theme, I still didn't see the "Exported" option under "My Themes".

I rankle at the use of such absolute verbiage in the title of this article, and I'm pointing at Lifehacker, as the original article owned that the findings were hers. She wrote an article that accounted for her own findings, and titled it as a fair warning of what she found.

That rocket-firing movement is the _coolest_ thing I've ever seen in an action figure!

I like how Joffrey is the only one with a smile.

Besides awe and wonder, this post makes me sad that we're still bound by nationalistic tendencies in our space exploration. I mean, really, with all the cost, resource, and mindshare that we could benefit all of humanity with, how cool would it be if we dropped border mentality, and built epically cool shit like this

+fansub ftw.

Too bad. The greatest thing about the writing isn't in the literal word as much as the fully fleshed out universe. That's the thing that absolutely blew my mind, how far Herbert projected into what civilization could turn into. From politics, science/technology, commerce, family/clan, etc... it's truly world bending.

Learning to become comfortable in that discomfort is a life skill, just like any other. For me, the first step was to practice "acceptance", becoming aware that things are exactly as they are in the moment, and that I didn't have to (and often couldn't) change things.

Depression is just one of many mood disorders. People that are "miserable" may be struggling with another ailment. Emotional trauma (neglect, abuse, etc...) may be a part of their history, poor upbringings, addiction... all of these may be involved.

Start one up! It's easy, just pick a setlist of songs you want to dance to, and get some people together. If you want other guidelines, I'd be happy to pull some together for you. There are some amazing people around that would be happy to share.

Consider a "Barefoot Dance" or "Dance Jam". November will be two years for me, and I've had so much fun, connecting with myself, my dance, and other super cool people. Here in Encinitas, we dance on Sundays from 11a-1p, then spend the rest of the day until sunset at a beach park as a community. We also dance on

I was shocked by the first picture, to see a whole lot of G35 in the composition of the side and rear quarter. I'm still sitting with it before passing judgement.

Now playing

I happened to watch this recently; John Cleese on being creative. He offers structured, experienced advice.

I don't care how bad the show is; I'd happily work on it if it meant I could have a day job driving for fun.

He crushed the seat.


My mind is blown that the judges didn't show an ounce of amazement on their faces.