Burt Lo

I presume you’d prefer 90's Liefeld?

Ah, wonderful! Thanks to you finally making things so clear, I can now retroactively toss away the many years of incredible fun and exciting sports driving I had in my RX-8! I can’t believe I kidded myself all that time, obviously missing out on all the problems you mentioned, pissing and moaning on things that I

I am not a planetary scientist, but as I understand it, it’s not simply temperature of the water. It’s the net result of the entire planet having warmer temperatures across the planet, which has a significant (read: planet-wide) effect on the composition of gases, waters, and other resources. Thus, the gas content of

The “intelligent” class, or more precisely, the “class of people that educated or developed themselves to intelligence” would be shrinking, as it kind of is now (proportionally speaking) as the cost of higher education rises.

<wah waaaaah>

Ah, thanks for this.

As far as "beauty" in writing, these (in addition to Gaiman mentioned earlier) are standouts for me.

I've been part of a dance community for the past four years. Turns out that I get to play with my hippie self here, and it's a drug-and-alcohol free environment (for the most part). Since I'm in recovery, that's key for me.

There are lots of dances that just don't demand a certain pattern or look. Instead, the

How fast is too fast? This seems like too fast.


In recovery, we can often use a simple starting point of "HALT" - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. If I'm _any_ of these things, that's a good thing to tend to. They are simple elements, and essential.

I liked it. Gordon had everything to gain after all the shit came down from being found out. Between all the other cops not knowing what to think (he's a killer, no he's not, but is he really safe to be a cop with...?), and him teetering on the edge of everything falling to pieces, he goes after the thing that's been

My biggest/only complaint was that he travelled 200mph while looking like a blur. That just didn't gibe for me. Mind you, I _love_ the visual effect of the blur, but he's gotta be doing way more than 200mph, closer to a fast jet fighter to look like a blur...?

Not to be a shill, but Mark Waldman's work (http://neurowisdom.com) specifically focuses on developing "working memory". One of the main priorities is to "reduce stress" (i.s. "How to Deal with Pressure"). Also, as it's meditative in its roots, it's grounded in "practice". This work has helped me.

Adolescent, for sure, but...

I hadn't known of any supposition of the movie, and somewhat expected as destructive a tone as the end of "Man of Steel". I agree that this rendition is far more stealthy.

Out of everything they might have pulled from "The Dark Knight" by Frank Miller, the tank-like Batmobile would have been a huge win in my book. It felt soooo right in the future society that Frank drew.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to live forever in this society given the way we treat the elderly. I'd prefer to live forever in Sweden, maybe Canada.

Thanks, Melanie, for sharing your story, and for bringing this touchy subject into the realm of discussion in a reasonable, accessible way. Education, and sharing experiences like yours, can help progress towards these issues on so many levels.

Not weird at all. Some say that, underneath all substance and process addictions is codependence, where we are overly dependent on others for our sense of self. This is the realm of Al-Anon and CODA.