Id of Gazoo

I’m guessing she’s not one to complain about the differences in pay between male TV judges and female TV judges.

yeah i’m done. that article was it for me. and i can’t stand taylor swift. fuck Kinja, fuck Gawker, fuck AV Club, and fuck Univision

I’ve never really understood this criticism of Holy Grail and Meaning of Life. Is a comedy inherently better because it connects themes or makes a complete statement? Isn’t a movie that doesn’t try to do those things - and still manages to succeed at its purpose - a little more interesting simply because it’s

I don’t care either way, however I don’t see that removal of these statues is going to change anything.

“Reminder: Confederate monuments are about white supremacy, not history”

I wish we’d just rename the former slave states and get it over with.

Kinja:ISIS::Disqus:Sadaam Hussein?

Yes, we all saw this on our Facebook feeds yesterday. And of course other videos referencing the same data numerous times over the past weeks

Wait. The AV Club now has a “CONFEDERATE STATUES” column? Alongside TV, Aux and the rest? Cool.

Just move the monuments to Kinja. Nobody will ever see them again

....... I like salt water taffy.

‘Stay away from certain comedians’ would be a good answer to it. ‘I don’t like it so nobody else should like it’ is very silly indeed!

Thanks for reminding me of that joke, it was hilarious.

But I think the point was Louis was too busy turning his own knob to open the door.

If you are offended stay away from comedy.

Jen Kirkman also stated on her podcast that it wasn’t Louis CK she was calling out, and that Jezebel were terrible journalists for running the story after she asked them not to.