
Good point and all true.  Too bad Avatar isn’t as good as all of those originals you mentioned.

Now playing

This show is not good and I find the fact all of these people keep watching and think that is good to be infuriating.

I always will prefer the stilted and geriatric lightsaber fights. They are holding freakin’ laser swords that can cut through anything. I always found it strange that they would flip around and spin them like they had no risk or consequence. But in originals it always felt like they where just afraid of their own

My favourite thing, reading this list, is definitely the cheering of Ahmed Best and Kelly Marie Tran. Now that’s the Star Wars fandom I want to be part of! I am so sick of seeing all the negativity in every damn Facebook group I belong to, whenever Star Wars is mentioned. So damn happy to see some real positive fandom

Well, in Chicago, the fans said “No more.” Jar Jar actor Ahmed Best showed up to celebrate that film’s 20th anniversary and was cheered louder than anyone.

I never really understood how physical touch can be used to control and demean, until I started using a power wheelchair. Previously, I don’t think I’d been touched more than a few times without consent (usually by overly-friendly “bros” putting a hand on or around my shoulder).

My mom was a guest at a professor’s house. A fellow guest was determined once she saw black faces in her midst to hear an authentic negro spiritual. She excitedly asked my mom if she knew any “chants”. My mom could barely contain herself. From laughing. She replied “Gregorian ones”. My mom was raised Catholic.

This whole ‘investigation’ has been full of bullshit from the police department... bullshit leak after leak after leak that can never be substantiated after the damage to his character has been done. And then maybe it’s a small retracted article. They seem to be doing everything in their power to jeopardize this invest

How fucking high are you?

Unlike Dane, Tiffany has an amazing personality.

Why the fuck is this even a story? She had an off day. ALL OF US have our off days.

I like Tiff but, come on, people paid good money to see her and she didn’t deliver (reading jokes off her iPad? Huh? This isn’t her trying out new material in a hole in the wall joint, WTF)

She posted a video before this set yesterday, she was partying hard the night before and was planning to party some more that night. In the video she couldn’t even remember the venue she was performing at, she probably wasn’t in the mind to perform that night.

Yeah, I’d pay top dollar to knock a few back with her! *I* think she’s funny. And probably smart for cutting her losses. That had to have sucked.

I am so tired of people who seem to have made it their life's work to hate on her. Katt has bombed MANY times and his fans seem to conveniently forget that.

This happened

All day. The utter capriciousness and callousness of the act is infuriating.