
The turtle has to fly faster when Stanton hits those LONG dingers

Szymkowicz went to the show, but parked for free nearby and walked in

Service life plus poor maintenance results in this meat bag...

“Too dense to realize that”

For some reason the article doesn’t say how the AI did in the homoerotic volleyball simulation?

Thanks, the text cleared everything up.

A year down the line, when the passion started to cool, he realized how much money she was draining off of him. He wasn’t sure what to do. He already gave her everything she wanted, and then some. He felt dedicated to stay with her, after all he has done, despite all his friends and family telling him get out of the

he was spending $2,700 annually on ice cream.

So the Galaxy won thanks to some deus ex maquina.

My friends Testarossa got t-boned by a high school girl. He didn’t yell at her because he’s a mature adult and knows his car is replaceable. LOL at losing it over a common BMW of all things.

That a freaking military contractor has zero redundancy or disaster recovery should be grounds for them to lose their contract.

English fan to French - “Is this your water loo?”

Three South American governments were overthrown while waiting for that replay.

You just read a cry for help combined with exhibit A how social media and a drift into western cultural stupidity has turned much of the world into self celebrity obsessed emotionally stunted mongoloids.

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

Or 30x6 foot rotodomes 11 feet above the fuselage.

A very fun font for a very fun story about the death of 705 men.

Good ol’ Mark-to-Make-Believe paper assets; can’t spend it but you can borrow money with it.

Except she’s probably just a millionaire, missing that last comma. Sad!

“Excuse me, my gun is up here."