
Wigs are back, jeans are back, whats next? Shoes are back .

Oh God I didn’t even see that. I saw his comment about waiting on the news yesterday. I fucking hate that goddamn mentality. My mom suffered from sleep apnea while she was alive and would literally fall asleep in the middle of a conversation and not even realize it. It was scary as fell when I was a kid because I

I always knew god hated socialists.

I didn’t realize Calabasas had hollers.

How THE. FUCK. does a group of regular people shut down lanes on I45 without getting killed??? This makes no sense to me. I’m genuinely shocked that no one got run over. Make no mistake - cars are the higher life form in Houston; I think no other city defers to car traffic other than LA - so this just weirds the shit

My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.

I got hit on by a recruiter from LinkedIn. We were discussing a position that would be a huge step up for me and then he sent me this.

The reason why this continues to happen is that women are not taken seriously, under any circumstances. Whether we’re looking for work, voting, shopping, having sex, basically living...it’s hard to be taken seriously.

I have experienced more creepiness on LinkedIn than on any other social media site. Here’s a recent sampling that I posted on Facebook.

If what you’re saying to a woman over LinkedIn is something that would embarrass you if it got out, DON’T SAY IT JESUS CHRIST

Why in the world would anyone think this was appropriate behavior on what is basically a work site? Why would anyone in the world write about how she should be flattered and not offended? Are people really this stupid?

That’s exactly what he thought, too. “I was just being nice! It’s getting so you can’t even give compliments any more! She would probably be mad if no one told her she looked good. What’s next? Is she going to be mad someone was a gentleman and held the door for her?”

I was trying to articulate to a male friend why

This is too exhausting.


Word. There is literally no “more to the story” that would justify that whole shirt business. Trashy.

After Julia Roberts started dating that married dude and then went around wearing a shirt rubbing it in the wife’s face, FUCK Julia Roberts. I’m sure there’s more to the story but still, not classy.

I totally get the shame that comes with rejection. I don’t even want to try dating because I know they will see the things he saw in me that made him leave. It’s another reason why I don’t want to see my friends; my embarrassment over whatever it was that he didn’t love anymore.

In this pile of broken hearts there will be enough pieces to make a whole new heart. I know exactly how u feel. I’m reading again, exercising again, Netflix like a fuckin fiend. Whatever I can do to distract myself. The pain, it’s unbearable some times. I try to be positive, think about how my ex can finally be happy