
I’m okay with that

Yeah it’s been a while. It’s a real thing though, HP webcams wouldn’t pickup darker skin for face tracking and it made press a few years ago. I can understand it from a technical point of view, coming from both a tech and photography background.  Makes for a great Ted episode :)

Hmm, I’d be a wary of that being up to code. Any outlet near a faucet or outside needs a GFCI (special breaker), and having an oven that would typically be wired for 240v, I could see someone overlooking it.

I love my Deebot. It’d be nice if my version could connect to Google Home instead of just Alexa, but I usually just press the auto button on the remote, and only check the app when there’s an error.  These things are great to avoid arguments over chores :)

I have the opposite. Had to run to the bathroom in NJ once, it was a photo finish. Out in public, I need to find a bathroom, potentially a few times.  I went 4 times during Guardians of the Galaxy when I saw it in the theater.

Twice a day before, gave up carbs and went mostly keto, it’s days apart now, and barely anything.

Just go up to the top and click the “filed to” link for either 38 studios or the name of the game, should bring up all related articles.  You’ll find what you want.

I did actually.

Low price, better marketing. I doubt THQ Nordic would have picked it up if they didn’t think it would be profitable, and I think it’s fair to say they’d know better than your and I

I picked it up dirt cheap on PC, but I’d happily shell out for a PS4 copy

I toy around in Amalur sometimes. It’s fun with a decent fast gameplay. I’d love a PS4 edition, I’m sure it’d sell.

I see this behavior in a lot of people. Some sort of processing glitch, “My job is to pack and ship all of these orders. If I don’t ship these orders, I get in trouble. This is an order, I must ship it”

There’s more than enough signage and a sensor that makes the light red if you’re over the height restriction and a sign saying overheight turn.

With the water fountains? Yeah, but race came up a few times. The image I posted above, the sensors, and I’d even say the researcher pretending to have gone to MIT (or whatever school) in order to fit in at work may have been a subtle commentary on race.

Do we work for the same company?

Any mass email I send to coworkers *must* be bcc’d, because at least half of them reply-all, with “K” or “thanks”, and 20 of those coming in is too much for everyone to deal with, and lots end up missing what the point of the original email was since they just see a bunch of “k” emails.

Nope, but I’ll seek it out. It was seeing gifs from the episode with the deposition/bees/”Sorry, You’re Welcome” that got me into it.

yeah the show was genius. I loved the fact it used the racially segregated fountains reference, and tied it to the other recent tech issue where HP cameras wouldn’t recognize black faces. It also introduced me to Portia De Rossi, she gets my motor running in that show.

I have feelings towards Mantis

Thomas Jayne, he was a vegan