

I read her statement, I don’t know what you’re talking about

I’m not a man.  She makes straight girls weak in the knees.

Ruby Rose is hetero kryptonite.

Now playing

This song was forgotten by me, which is somewhat ironic given the lyrics.  It came on the in-game radio in Watch Dogs just as I started.  Was driving to a motel and I just sat in the car listening to it.  I think it may have been raining too.  One of the best soundtracks in a game I’ve heard in a long time.

how about horseradish mayo?

onion, celery, water chestnut, garlic, salt, pepper, mayo.

listening to that makes me feel very strange.

honestly, when I was on the carbs, I almost couldn’t make it through one of those, but they are pretty big.  regular poutine though, it’s like nothing.  I can routinely eat 2 combos from any burger place, though I’ve changed my diet since then

All the heat on roofs/sidewalks right now, should be able to harness some of that onto a stirling and move some hot air inside a home to the outside

ketosis =/= ketoacidosis, but yes, there is a risk of going to far into ketosis and ending up in ketoacidosis. keto strips can help a person check their levels (and cheaper than a blood glucometer)

fasting is beneficial to hormone (and insulin, specifically) regulation.

You can, but honestly if you want some good comfort food along the same lines, you should definitely think about a poutine

yeah, interested in trying them.  Dying for a plate of em now lol

Taco Bell fries are fucking delicious, I’ve never known taco bell to not have them, nor do I know anyone who’d actually take nachos over fries up here.

Yikes, she’s definitely had a software upgrade

So?  That doesn’t make it deserving of one.