
I know I don’t represent a large pool of your readers, but I’m a new dad. I would love to see a “toddler and baby” section added (toys, clothes, and the like). I was sad to see The Night Light sub-blog get tossed aside.

I know I don’t represent a large pool of your readers, but I’m a new dad. I would love to see a “toddler and baby”

Only 10% of the NA population even own a 4K television. Interest in the format is a mere 33% according to Forbes. Embracing 4K, from a business sense, isn’t a huge priority. Nintendo isn’t behind the curve. They just don’t see it as a necessity yet. It’s a marketing tactic that Nintendo doesn’t consider appropriate

Did you wake up this morning planning on being a turd?

Did you wake up this morning planning on being a turd?