
“Running out the clock? I’m confused. Doesn’t that mean punting to the other team on 3rd down with a 2-point lead and just over two minutes to go?” - Andy Reid

I don’t know....those text messages sent to Rain Dove where she admitted she had sex with him. The fact that she tried to justify it because she was in a relationship at 17 with a 33 year old. The fact that she’s now pinning the payout on the dead guy who can’t really defend himself. The fact that she’s using the same

“she was attacked by Bennett and might even be suffering the fallback of a smear campaign by those already accused who may have a vested interest in their accusers being denied credibility”

And don’t get jealous if/when your bff roommate goes out and meets new people. I’ve seen that happen so many times. One of the bff roommates thought they were going to hang out with each other exclusively for 4 years, and they get pissed off when their friend makes new friends. It’s OK for both of you to expand your

You don’t go for takeout sushi and go watch the sunset then right after head to a burger joint unless you’re boning again. They’re boning again.

Florida has a history of serial killer cops. Look up Gerard John Schaefer Jr some night when you don’t feel like sleeping.

1) Have low expectations and an open mind.

As was Rock n’ Roll

Hey now, they actually have a team from a BCS/Power Five school on their schedule! I mean, sure, it’s UNC but maybe next year they’ll add Purdue to their non-conference schedule to really show the haters!

Punk music was created by black folks so there’s that

That schedule is hilarious for “We want to be taken seriously!”

I think we’ve found the “one singular deranged voter”.

Maybe they quietly mumble their obscenities and give their opponents a thumb’s up?

I was thinking of a clever way to say this.  Well done.

The earnest intend of the festival was never a sprawling accommodating of everyone Black. It was about the music. A genre that was never considered Black despite a Black punk band called Death who invented the whole thing. When everyone wanted in they took the money and now things are about making the norms feel

Afropunk - African cosplay for people not bougie enough for Essence Fest

Respectful discourse.” How very punk.

this is besides the point, but my main takeaway as someone who has always identified with the punk mindset:

Wtf is this article - This site is fucking awful now. Gotta remember to stick to the reviews only from now on, jeezus