
It seems like Doug’s superpower is the ability to cause spontaneous eye rolling. I’m sure they all had migraines after he left.

I’m going use this to daydream about a universe where I was so alluring that I had millionaires trying to bone me at an inappropriate age. What a life that would be!

It may be, but I know so many single men in this age range who have mothers who do all of these things for them. And, like I said, my husband was heading that way.

Co-signed. All of the Palestinian men I have dated have been excellent cooks. When I asked them how they learned, each one had the same reply: watching/helping my mom in the kitchen. They may never have had to cook on their own at home, but, once here, it was an absolutely normal thing to do.

Wait. What?

I work in an office with adult women and I’ve overhead more than one of them making appointments for their adult sons (never daughters, though).

Sigh. Yes, the ‘kidults’. Not all of them are men, but in my experience (and I know anecdote is not evidence) most of them are. I have a dear friend who is one, and in the last couple of years has been divorced so is finally living on his own, after moving out of a trailer in his parent’s back yard. Can’t cook a

Sadly, he’s not in my friend’s class, but my friend thinks he knows who would be teaching said ignorant-AF-kid. If I hear anything interesting...

Have you seen the state of feminism lately? It’s basically patriarchy with glitter and pink ribbons thrown on it. As a college-aged woman, it’s just so sad for me to see what other women my age consider to be feminism these day.

This would have been my advice as well. He needs this class to graduate and he still can’t put in a base level of effort? Fuck this dude, he deserves to fail. Life is full of dealing with shit you’re not interested in and even stuff you outright oppose. If he won’t engage in something like a simple gender studies

Ah yes, we should get men to be interested in feminism (a movement that was started by women to fight for women’s liberation) because it benefits them and because it “leads to more satisfying sex”.

Because I’m sure that once he receives his passing grade, he’ll suddenly understand feminism. /s

Ugh. Has she not looked around? People can take and pass college classes and come out of them not knowing a damn thing. You don’t instantly learn or give a damn about something just because you passed a class on the subject. I’d like to think this rich asshole will learn his lesson, but inevitably, this asshole born

Mom thinks that response isn’t pertinent to the subject matter? Someone else gets a failing grade, too.

Of course he finds the course boring: it’s trying to convince him women are people.

I don't think stupid is his only problem. I would add lazy and spoiled to the list.

but he couldn’t even take the time to write the ad himself! HE MADE HIS MOTHER DO THE WORK!!

Do young men his age typically need mommy to solve all of their problems? Because I don't think they are men yet if that is the case.

“He’s a very typical young man his age”

In my imagined best case scenario 5 Jezzies show up to take turns schooling this guy in every sense of the word.