
I’m not here for country music, and I wouldn’t call myself a Trixya stan, even if I’ll admit to an unhealthy attachment to UNHhhh.

“I’m so into voguing right now” is such a straight teenage drag fan girl move.

Last season featured the Library in the opening episode, as well. Especially for returning queens, it seems to highlight the relationships the queens have developed on the tour circuit, and at least as importantly, reintroduces us to the thin character sketches we need going forward, in case you’ve forgotten Chi Chi’s

Random ‘pinions:

One wonders if they’ve got a bit of a spread-the-wealth ethic in the editing bay, more than during a regular season.

I definitely think DeLa was the winner of that lip sync. Aja was great, sure! ButI also felt that Aja could have whipped out that same routine on any song. DeLa was performing most directly to “Anaconda” and it paid off.

Hey queen. It’ll be rough trying to keep this comment section alive post-Kinjapocalypse, but it’s worth a shot.

Most of my friends from last season have probably moved on to greener comments sections, but I’m going to try to keep the tradition alive:

BenDeLa’s striptease was pretty much an instant comedy classic. Such a great bit and flawlessly executed.