The hot ginger got the fake sideburns! Clearly, he was the Luke Perry of the group.
The hot ginger got the fake sideburns! Clearly, he was the Luke Perry of the group.
This is the first time I really, really liked Aja's look. I love Nina's drag and am glad she's still around, but I don't know that I would have put Aja at the bottom this week.
Which is why I'll concede that ultimately she probably made the right decision. The concept alone is funny, but following it up with a performance would not have been easy.
Especially since they almost certainly did something like that for the Gaga runway.
Andy Warhol on snatch game would be incredible.
Yep, very tired of that. Nina's Jasmine was pretty funny, but Aja might as well have stayed at the hotel for the day.
The Madonna do-over was just confusing to me. Why would they do that and then let duplicates come out again?
I've heard that about Mathu Anderson too. Not that Raven & Delta are doing a bad job, but it's really a shame.
Sasha's Marlene Dietrich was great, but to be honest, I would not have minded some feminist academic realness.
Yeees, what did Valentina say? Stoning feeds her soul? There was something delightful about that, like when it was reveled that Miss Fame loves chickens.
Nina makes the breastplate work for her, she doesn't work for the breastplate.
Have we learned nothing from "Bring It On?"
You're NEVER required to have an opinion on the Kardashians.
Knowing that definitely puts a lot of things in a different perspective.
To be fair, lots of drag queens, especially once they get on Drag Race, are pretty athletic. They probably had visions of a thousand death drops and Katya cartwheeling through their heads.
I loved that too. She just seemed so sincere. Makes you want to pat her tears with a tissue and give her a glass of juice.
Salt in the wound, friend. Salt in the wound.
Since this was a medical thing, I don't think it would be considered a disqualification, exactly. Regardless, Willam is still singular in his achievements.
Damn. That cheerleading challenge really banged up the queens.
True confession: I was mostly just going for the cucu joke. She wasn't really that terrible. :-)