
That was when we were all swept up in patriotism and unity, and it was targeting the terrorist group themselves rather than the religion that created them. I'd love to see them try and mock actual Islam today and watch as they get slammed by the usual over-sensitive people for insulting such a "rich and peace-loving"

Well said. Now cue the torrent of horrid puns and inside jokes that inevitably follow any attempt at actually discussing the contents of the article.

"But in the end, it’s Amazon that stands victorious, reaping the tens of millions of “unique” and highly valuable young male visitors who frequent Twitch each month."

Konami is smart; give important things to the only person working for you that's produced anything of real worth in the last few years.

I expect to see a ton of fedoras, trenchcoats, and neckbeards in the theater when this comes out.

I was just trying to make a joke. The Sly series is great, but I feel like inFamous is hampered by the conscious decision on part of the designers to have a moral choice system. If I'm playing a game where I get some awesome superpowers, I'd like to be able to cut loose with every single ability rather than be

This is just another part of the ongoing console war.

Sunset Overdrive also looks better because my mobility and flexibility in combat isn't limited to just four superpowers as weapons and a black-and-white moral choice system.

That's not happening. At E3 this year both Sony and Microsoft paraded out their large roster of exclusive content. A lot of the stuff was just bits and pieces of multi platform games, like maps and missions.

It looks like inFamous but with more color and personality, like it was made by actual human beings who want to have fun.

So how will this play into the ongoing net neutrality debate? My guess is that Time Warner will slow down Netflix at certain times and claim that it's just "peak hours" while touting their service as faster.

Online video content and consumption is on the rise. Soon these YouTube stars will actually be mainstream celebrities.

Red vs. Blue is in its 12th season now. You could binge-watch the whole series over the course of a day. Hell, the first five seasons are on Netflix in uninterrupted chunks.