No big deal. That looks like me getting into my Uber last night.
No big deal. That looks like me getting into my Uber last night.
Think he should skip footwear all together and focus exclusively on helmet manufacturing.
I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.…
She's literally the most vile, and was constantly sharing garbage opinions about women and feminism. So while it's ironic that now she needs feminism, I'm trying not to take any joy from that. I'll just say that I believe her.
I don’t know anybody who has seen it or even really wants to see it.
Dipshits, c.2006: “(Black) athletes are role models. They need to start acting like it. smdh”
I can’t believe a corporate entity allowed this to not only air, but to lead off their big, self-congratulatory show piece and wash away the fantasy that sports exist in a compartment separate from the rest of society.
It was a powerful message and brought tears to my eyes.
Nothing compared to Mike Huckabee teaching his sons to continue eating while shitting.
The cops that walked off can’t even say it was because “there was anti-police rhetoric being used” (some morons still think that saying Black Lives Matter means other lives don’t). They had the Dallas PD logo on the shirt as well. They took an anti-violence stand, and those punks walked out. Fuck them then. I’m sure…
They had that man on the ground when they yelled gun. They killed him.
However, footage was taken by the squad car’s dashboard camera.
And both their body cams “fell off.” The rage and grief are indescribable this morning.
>>I always thought the AVGN sounded like a satire of the Straight White Internet Nerd Baby
he didn’t say one sexist thing about ghostbuster 2016. It’s a shame you lumped him into the sexist garbage surrounding this POS.
“If people like AVGN don’t want to be called sexist, they might consider going after all hollywood sequels, not just the ones starring women.”
*5 seconds on Google later*
That’s my honestly my biggest issue with the movie. It would have been so easy to write it as a sequel with the original team passing the torch. A total reboot just feels so pointless and kind of lazy.
Found the angry femenist
“(like - I don’t really care that you don’t think it looks good; watch it when it comes out and offer legitimate opinions or don’t).”
What a stupid argument. He’s obligated to weigh in on something he doesn’t want to weigh in on? I don’t go to movies that look bad. And I’m sexist because of it? I didn’t know I was…
“his point is more to do with how we’ll never get a Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast,” Um no his point was the fact that this movie doesn’t tie directly with the originals as a direct sequel. He wanted original cast members even if it was just to pass the torch to the new team. He doesn’t like that by the…