
I was relieved to see the end of that entire family, frankly.

That’s what I came here to say ... exactly. The last episode with Sam pleading, “Mom!” and the zombies turning to look at them. Then this episode COMPLETELY ignored his cries. They fast forwarded to them walking through Alexandria ... without even a throwaway scene of his mom whispering, “Sam, quiet!” It was a cheat.

It bothered me that we left off last episode with Sam saying “Mom? Mom?” and zombies turning.

I’m sorry, what part of where I pointed out that you were completely wrong did you miss? Ah, but of course, let’s resort to ad hominem character attacks to deflect from our ignorance.

Gasoline floats on top of water, they do not mix. Eventually, the gasoline burns off and you’re still left with the water that hasn’t evaporated due to the heat of the fire (which would be a lot, as a thin layer of gasoline will burn off fairly quickly). And the pond is sufficiently distanced from the rest of the

You. I like you. 👍🏻

Rob, I really enjoy your work. I have to almost completely disagree with you on your review of this episode (your disclaimers aside and with all respect to you as a writer and reviewer). I point by point now go through my disagreements with your review. I apologize for not having the time to insert quotes from your

Was I supposed to be upset when that whiny, annoying kid was killed? Huh.

The point wasn’t to angrily kill zombies (a point which it seems you and Bricken both missed), but the light and noise from the infirmary as Denise was operating on Carly was attracting the horde. Rick went outside to potentially die in order to buy the time for his son to be saved. Whatever, though. Haters gonna