“Rachel: You had no right coming down to my office Ross. You do not bring a picnic basket to somebody’s work! Unless maybe they were a park ranger!”- from The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break
“Rachel: You had no right coming down to my office Ross. You do not bring a picnic basket to somebody’s work! Unless maybe they were a park ranger!”- from The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break
So is Dick Ebersol pissed? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/carlys-se…
So late to the game, this will perish in the greys...but bless you for the Real World reference. I have been saying “it wasn’t not funny” since 1993, and its staggering how few people get the reference (NOT). Tami 4eva!
Many of these can be explained by one word: meth.
Stray cat strut, at the G20
I think we could all do with some Minaj twat right now. Cures what ails you!
There is one already. It’s called Wahlburgers.
Meh. My aunt still refers to my long term sexual abuse as a child as “shenanigans” pulled by my ex-stepfather. The kicker? She was a social worker for DCS (in another county) for years. It defies logic but some people can just not acknowledge it happens in their family or community.
Wait. What? Why?
And they usually feel entitled to leave without paying, or think it's wrong but HILARIOUS.
That awkward moment when you realize your perfectly reasonable friend turns out to be a $cientologist. It's happened to me twice.
I love everything about this fantasy league and I can’t believe how under-appreciated all of your hard work is! I missed this somehow last week and googled it in desperation. You keep trucking and forget the haters! And I am not just saying this a shameless attempt to get out of the grays.
I honestly did not see that twist coming, though. I feel like the melodrama is expected but I am very rarely actually surprised by the show.
Was really hoping Bourdain was going to hit that pipe.
My favorite part of the reunion part 2 was when Andy says they are about to bring out the mistress. The look on Shannon’s face is GOLDEN! He lets her off the hook right away but for a moment the frozen look of fear/hatred....priceless.
But what about Vicki “I’m being nailed to the cross like Jesus” Gunvalson? As bad as Shannon has been at least she didn’t come right out and make a direct comparison.