Elite Dangerous is a wild place. I feel that stories like this are both the most enticing and standoffish for bringing in new players. This either seems enthralling or like the worst experience you could have in a game.
Elite Dangerous is a wild place. I feel that stories like this are both the most enticing and standoffish for bringing in new players. This either seems enthralling or like the worst experience you could have in a game.
“People keep saying, ‘Why doesn’t Sony allow more people to have it,’” Sony’s Shawn Layden told Game Informer. “All it takes is for publishers and developers who wish to permission it.”
You basically contradicted your entire point. The only place Sony can go is down from here. And they’re doing everything possible lately to ensure that they go down hard next generation.
So, we all know it’s as easy as flipping a switch, so why don’t devs just do it? Don’t advertise it, don’t make a big deal out of it, just ship or go live with it enabled. What’s Sony going to do, honestly?
They could throw a fit and demand the devs disable it after the fact, but that would just make them look like…
Of course they would make something fun like RC cars, that are like $40+ in the real world, priced in-game for something that’ll take several hours to grind. Everything obviously pushes you into buying Shark Cards.
Finally something to do in Read Dead-..
Fortunately tattoos on your palm aren’t exactly forever. You use that part of your body with such frequency that the tattoo, especially one with such fine line work, should become a smudge of its former self in no time. So it’s meaning will be lost over time.
Kamala Harris? The one who employed the sexual harasser as one of her top aides (since settled the case for $400k to the victim). All the while claiming she should have been told about the pending case but wasn’t.
I really can’t stand Elizabeth Warren for some reason. I would still vote for if she was the nominee. But I really would rather it be anyone else.
They could always just add private or invite-only lobbies, like they have in GTA Online. It’s hard to get griefed if you’re only playing with people you know.
This would be legit exciting if it was a Playstation light gun. Time Crisis, Point Blank, Vampire Night, Ninja Assault... a PS4 light gun that could bring back those games would be an instant purchase.
I’m blocking deadspin from my Google feed after this story.
Why have we not yet eaten the rich?
I’m so utterly dumbfounded by this, I can’t craft even a bad joke response. This man is at least partially responsible for crafting a plan that is going to economically hurt REAL FUCKING PEOPLE for DECADES, all in the interest of lining the fucking pockets of a few more millionaires and billionaires. Then when the…
You’d think in a list like this GOG would be there.
God.... I just got a PS4 and then bought PSN recently and coming from both Xbox and PC gaming, why is it so trash....
Download speeds are slow as fuck, (I can’t even hit 60 mbps on wired, even though both my PC and Xbox one can)
It’s because he’s probably running for president??? https://splinternews.com/this-beto-orourke-2020-thing-might-really-happen-1830973610
Don’t forget to add, take a long good look at yourself, and perhaps get some sort of anger management therapy.
I just bought a used New 3DS XL last week and I love it so far. Since I never owned one before the whole library is new to me. Metroid: Seamus’ Return and Zelda Link Between Worlds, and Sega 3D Classics are all winners from my standpoint.
Is there a mission where America shoots the holy hell out of your hospital, strafes your fleeing co-workers with Apache helicopter fire, and then responds to any attempt at justice or accountability with a dismissive shrug and a laugh?