
Me too.

Ugh, fuck off.

Honestly, ouch. That stings. Definitely not him.

How SoSHy can we make this comment section? Who am I?

I desperately hope this is a joke.

Dude....did you watch Bonds at his peak? You couldn’t have, or you wouldn’t say this. He was far and away the greatest hitter I’ve ever seen, with the caveat that I was born in the 80's.

Dude, keep trying. You’re bad at this.

Ha. No.

Shame on you.

I still remember checking the back of Nintendo Power every month to see the status of Super Mario RPG 2. I’m still waiting. I’ll never stop waiting. Super Mario RPG is the greatest. Period.

OK man. Keep projecting.

Dude....what? You’re so desperate to shit on me that you aren’t even reading what I’m saying. I’m a Giants fan - I get to laugh at Pats haters. Just stop it.

So basically, your sports fandom is mostly hating on the teams that win? Sounds like fun!

Awww, somebody’s jealous.

Ugh, I can’t even handle your cute Deadspin one-liner. I’m too sad.

My childhood is ruined. Fuck.

The Champions’ League is generally the biggest prize, but Leicester weren’t in the tournament this year so it’s moot.

I know, right? It’s not just you. It’s awful.

Holy shit. Go do some research. OJ very much did it. There is no doubt.

This is why we can’t have nice things.