

Oh god, Jesus Camp. That movie is so fucked up that I don't even notice the stuff added to the gif, just the images scarred into my brain from Jesus Camp.

I went to college with Mara Wilson, and yes, she just wants to be left alone. Unfortunately, people were assholes and didn't oblige. Everyone called her "Matilda" and would bug the shit out of her, knocking on her door constantly and staring whenever she was in the dining hall. I felt awful about it. Thankfully she

This thread is art.

I will not stop until victory is achieved. STOP POSTING THESE HORRIBLE VIDEOS.

I have no problem with that call. If that's not blocking the plate, I'm not sure what is. Stop whining.

Cat pic. Good argument. Why should I off myself, exactly? Hopefully you meant that for TheDeast.

Dude, seriously? From one guy to another, you need to shove it. It's not a competition about who has it worse. I'm not even gonna touch the specifics of your bullshit with a ten foot pole.

Ugh you laid it on wayyyy too thick that time. Guess you did get me once though so kudos.

Holy. Shit.

Dude, shut the fuck up.

Care to explain your fucked up logic on this one? Never mind, forget it. Not interested in anything that comes out of your brain anyway.

You fucking suck.

Stop posting these. I've said this before and I'll say it every time I see one. They're awwwwwwwwful. Really really really bad.

You're awful. Go hang out with your horrible cop friends.

Ugh, get over yourself. No one cares.

Dude, wow. You're an idiot.

Yes. Because I read blogs when I'm bored and trying to pass time and this article was plastered to the top of Jezebel. So I clicked it, spent about 45 seconds on it, and moved on with my life. That's not a connection.

No. There's no connection here, just exasperation and a desire to avoid.

Messy tidiness. Brilliant.