You're the one trying to claim that the PS4 isn't outselling XBox One. It absolutely is. Thus, fanboy. Now stop talking to me.
You're the one trying to claim that the PS4 isn't outselling XBox One. It absolutely is. Thus, fanboy. Now stop talking to me.
Holy shit dude. Check your fanboyism immediately.
Because THAT would be boring and lame. It's way more fun and interesting to watch him be a mech or shoot guys, amirite?
Desperation? Might wanna check out console sales numbers. And no I don't give a shit about the rest of Sony as a company - we're talking about video games.
He's a douchebag, but she sucks too.
Oh, but I did. I could've actually, ya know, responded to the points of the article, which are pretty weak. I don't care to, though, because this is Jezebel and I'm not in the mood. And no I'm not a goddamn MRA as I know that's what I instantly become when I disagree with anything here.
This is one troll-tastic article. I'll pass.
Glad you found something to be outraged about. I know it's a rare thing for you.
Holy shit this is the worst list of all time.
Would you like to argue with the statement that you're so shocked by?
You're kicking and screaming while not offering any solutions whatsoever. This article and your response doesn't help anyone or anything, it's just whining that the world sucks sometimes. Deal with it.
Hey there! You're an arrogant douche.
I love how you think "Yankee" is an insult. We fucking beat you. You lost the war. All we do up here is laugh at you as you piss and moan like the losers that you were and are.
Oh, OK. Yeah your guesses sound about right. Could also see bipolar with the way he can seem manic sometimes and normal other times. My grandmother is borderline and bipolar and she reminds me of him in some ways - particularly, when she got manic she would start ranting and claim ridiculous things and insist everyone…
I wish people would talk more about the monstrous advantage the Russians have in all the sliding sports. They've been training on this track nonstop and know it in their sleep while everyone else had no access and has to really work on their lines in their training runs. Yay for the Russians but in this case Uhlaender…
Your point being? We all thought (and continue to think) that Charlie Sheen is fucking crazy.
HE is the one who made it about his blackness. No one else. If a white entertainer acted the way he does, he would get the same attention - meaning, we'd think he's fucking loony.
Holy shit. There is NOTHING racist about thinking Kanye is a ranting maniac because he totally is. What an enormous load of bullshit.
They called him Ace afterwards so I'm thinking maybe it's Ace Ofspades Turner or something like that. Still pretty terrible but Ace is an acceptable name - Aceofspades isn't.
I'd be with you if it weren't Ronaldo. This is hilarious and the fan deserves an award.