
Dayshot! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Better than the......nightshot! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Video appears to be here. I don't get it - is that the whole thing? Definitely doesn't seem as bad as she says.

I agree it's pretty unclear, but I'm thinking she's referring to the picture being bad.

The first Mission: Impossible is a fantastic plot-driven thriller that doesn't deserve to be lumped in with the others. You're right about those - just typical brainless action movies.

This is blasphemy. Bring It On straight-to-DVD bullshit sequels better than the original?

They're ALL like this. Every single one of these videos is ridiculous nitpicky and not funny. PLEASE stop posting them!

I desperately wanted Power Wheels. More than anything. I never got them. I hate you.

Way to lay out a varied argument. Nice contribution, you fucking idiot.

Damn, you're superior to everything and everyone, aren't you?

Who's whining? This gen's pricing is more of a punchline than anything else. The PS4 is unquestionably more powerful and graphically superior.......AND it's cheaper! *rimshot*

Does it? I mean, Bieber.

The internet might kill me for saying this, but Rush blows.

I didn't think that's what you meant nor did I think you were a he (I know you were talking to the other commenter), but can you see how what you're saying is at least unclear if not, as I said, fucking insane?

I seriously would like an explanation. You think if a teenage boy murdered an adult woman who he was sexually involved with, SHE would be the villain? Sorry, but that's fucking insane.

Uhhhh.....the teenaged boy would be the bad guy? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

What the fuck? Did you just say that the expense of putting JUSTIN BIEBER in jail isn't worth it?! Speak for yourself - I'd be fine with a million dollars vanishing from California's budget if that little shit went to jail.

I'm done with this. The fact that anyone feels the need to argue this point is sad.

I really hope your first sentence is supposed to be funny, even though it's not. You know full well what "fuck me" means in that context. Her having a vagina doesn't change that.

Seriously? The guy was bragging about his experience with "the bar scene", like he's dispensing this invaluable wisdom to us plebes. I was simply making fun of him, and I think it needed to be done.

Again, not reading. Creepy as fuck.