
I'm not even reading this - just seeing how often you use the word "females" is enough. You're beyond creepy - comment dismissed with fucking prejudice.

Wow, you're fucking dense. Bye.

Damn. You're so cool. I wish I was cool enough to go to bars. Oh well.

Ugh, let me guess - pick up artist?

Dude. You sound fucking gross.

Nice. Really constructive response. I'll just go ahead and assume you don't have jackshit to say back to me. Again - grow the fuck up.

Parappa the Rapper. Parappa the Rapper. Parappa the Rapper. Parappa the Rapper. Parappa the Rapper. Parappa the Rapper. Parappa the Rapper. Parappa the Rapper.

I'm just guessing here, but I think Partricia thought it was stupid because she's just laughing - there's nothing particularly sexy about it. She's not turned on, she's not attracted to the guy who made the video, there's nothing sexual at all about the situation. If you think she sounds hot, cool, but go jerk off to

I'm not assuming that in any way. I'm simply asserting that the sticks clearly are not such a horrendous problem if people are willing to buy a new console that uses them, and buy it a LOT.

So do I. I don't have any issue with it. If you do, perhaps you should check your grip. I mean that in all seriousness - people who complain about cramping or their thumbs hitting each other are holding the controller too tightly. Loosen your grip and use the pads of your thumbs on the sticks - don't just lay your

I didn't mention a sales figure. You're projecting. I made the point that people clearly like symmetrical sticks, so they aren't WRONG, as you stated. You care way too much.

Right, you're the one who came in ranting about symmetrical sticks. I'm the fanboy. Hush now.

This is so fucking boring. Get over the stupid symmetrical stick thing. They work perfectly well, and judging by the fact that PS4 is going to outsell the XBone, people seem to like it just fine.

Dude, I don't give a fuck what you think of me. Your opinion is so worthless that I need another word for it. Shut the fuck up already.

Nah, I'm 6'4". Thought I told you to stop talking, bigot.

Hush. I'm not even reading your bile. Piss off.

Says the Holocaust "Revisionist". Shut the fuck up :)

God this is hilarious. You come off as educated, but you know absolutely nothing. Stop talking.

The only people who are believing your bullshit are the bigots recommending your posts. No one else buys it. You can stop with your ridiculous rationalizations: you are a prejudiced piece of shit. Don't respond to me - I don't want to hear any more of your pathetic attempts at explaining your misguided hatred. Educate

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