
Heard a story from my dad about this a few months back; apparently a friend of his was drinking with Namath that night before the game. He was pounding Johnny Walker Red.

I like to think that was Adam Levine posting on a burner, incredulous and bitter that you're not into him. So he dropped that vicious burn on you.

I mean, it's slightly corny and a bit forced, but not even CLOSE to one of the dumbest lyrics ever. Come on...

I hate this shit. Kids learn swear words. I heard them at ballgames. Who fucking cares?

I see what you mean...I probably should state that AC4 is my first Assassin's Creed game. Coming from that angle, the Assassin/Templar stuff was EXTREMELY unclear and confusing, to the point where I stopping caring about it and focused on the pirate stuff. I guess they either need to ditch the Assassin/Templar stuff

Wait, people wanted MORE Assassin/Templar stuff in ACIV? I personally can't get enough of the pirate/high seas aspect of it and am bored to tears by the Templar stuff.

It's completely backwards and borders on laughable.

Thanks, I really enjoyed it.

Wow, the GTA V pic is blatantly based off of a very very similar Kate Upton pic. She should sue, not poor Lindsay who doesn't look anything like her.

Cool. You're a racist :)

Yup. White men can't say anything. Ever. They should all just shut the fuck up and let you talk, right?

Right, but this is different because of Matt and Trey. I'm hoping that the delays are because they're perfectionists and want it to be PERFECT. That's what I'm telling myself.

Or, the game is just gonna be that fuckin good.

It's an opinion. You're not gonna get me to "admit" that the DS3 sucked, because I genuinely like it. I have zero issues with it. Let it go.

I'm so 100% with you. When I was in college I went on a trip through Europe with a friend of mine and we agreed that we'd take pictures of what we saw/did - not each other or ourselves. I just don't get the need for the "Here's me at ______!" picture instead of the picture of _______ that then evokes memories of when

I know, stuff keeps happening in sports. And this sports blog, like, keeps covering it. I don't get it either.

You might love typing it, but you typed it wrong. The 8 takes care of the t - it's Sk8er Boi.

Definitely sounds like more of a generational thing than a gender thing. Cool, though.

Watching Ray Donovan and not Breaking Bad is one of the worst decisions anyone has ever made.

I was similarly shocked when I found out he was British. Then I went back and watched The Wire and knowing it made me realize how bad his accent was, especially early on. Like, really bad. Still an awesome actor and one of my favorite characters.